Fridays GMAT-GRE-TOEFL-IELTS-آموزشگاه زبان صبای سحر-چمران جنوب، بلوار جلال آل احمد، جنب داروخانه شبانه روزی جلال آل احمد، پلاک 87، طبقه سوم تلفن: 42-88679341 2024-05-04T20:54:26+00:00 IELTSTOEFLCENTER Joomla! - Open Source Content Management Youth Population Growth, Hedieh 2016-02-07T07:55:04+00:00 2016-02-07T07:55:04+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Youth Population Growth, Hedieh.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Nowadays in some countries the numbers of children aged 15 and younger are increasing. What are the current and future effects of ever increasing population? Recently, the youth population has experienced a significant increase that can affect the community both positively as well as negatively. the communities. The benefits and drawbacks of this trend are outlined below. Some maintain that the more population growth, the more pressure on infrastructures such as roads and hospitals. Moreover, not very long ago people were guaranteed a job for life, but this is no longer the case, and people may be obliged to change their career more than once in their life time or even have no chance to find a decent job. Therefore, with the youth population growing, the unemployment rates will have been soaring recently which that leads to developing stress and tensions among the young generations. On the other hand, experts cite the youth power as the major element for reaching a prosperous community. Infusion of the youth spirit in society provides a breeding ground for more perseverance and accordingly more development in economic and technological terms. The young people especially those aged 15 and younger are more likely to be educated in order to enhance their abilities. Not only does education hone their skills and equip them for the future, but also gives rises to improving the country. In my opinion, authorities should adopt some practical plans such that the relative balance between the population of youth and that of adults are is struck, namely controlling the rate of birth breeding. Indeed, the aging population is as equally dangerous as a haphazard soaring one population irregularly. In sum, society needs the youth to improve provided that they are equipped withby education and also the opportunities and facilities keep pace with the rate of the population growth.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Youth Population Growth, Hedieh.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Nowadays in some countries the numbers of children aged 15 and younger are increasing. What are the current and future effects of ever increasing population? Recently, the youth population has experienced a significant increase that can affect the community both positively as well as negatively. the communities. The benefits and drawbacks of this trend are outlined below. Some maintain that the more population growth, the more pressure on infrastructures such as roads and hospitals. Moreover, not very long ago people were guaranteed a job for life, but this is no longer the case, and people may be obliged to change their career more than once in their life time or even have no chance to find a decent job. Therefore, with the youth population growing, the unemployment rates will have been soaring recently which that leads to developing stress and tensions among the young generations. On the other hand, experts cite the youth power as the major element for reaching a prosperous community. Infusion of the youth spirit in society provides a breeding ground for more perseverance and accordingly more development in economic and technological terms. The young people especially those aged 15 and younger are more likely to be educated in order to enhance their abilities. Not only does education hone their skills and equip them for the future, but also gives rises to improving the country. In my opinion, authorities should adopt some practical plans such that the relative balance between the population of youth and that of adults are is struck, namely controlling the rate of birth breeding. Indeed, the aging population is as equally dangerous as a haphazard soaring one population irregularly. In sum, society needs the youth to improve provided that they are equipped withby education and also the opportunities and facilities keep pace with the rate of the population growth.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> What can we do to help poor, Sarvenaz Rashedi 2016-02-07T07:54:47+00:00 2016-02-07T07:54:47+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/What can we do to help poor, Sarvenaz Rashedi.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help poor. Even in developed countries poverty exists. However, in many developing countries poverty is a major problem and the number of poor people is are increasing. It means that poverty does is not just belongs to deprived societies or communities. There are some causes in this regards which need to be taken into account ( considered) in order to help the poor. In my opinion, the first factor that influencing the world poverty is the economic system. As this system distributes vital resources unequally among people, it creates social classes, rich and poor people, so a modern social and economic structure should be formed to address this issue, but economic development does not always mean the end of to poverty. Our government should try to make sure that it is in the interests of our society. Another reason for world poverty is illiteracy. Many people around the world do not have access to education and cannot can not learn to read or write. Therefore, they are precluded from well‐paid employment and so cannot not improve their living conditions, thus to provide help in this regards, all countries around the world should put their priority to get ride of literacy by providing comprehensive education for all citizens, so that everyone can have a chance to improve change to improving their his/her living standards via access to education. Id addition, I think war plays a great role in world's poverty. it can destroy infrastructures and financial resources, besides causing causes widespread unemployment. All above, raises the number of refugees who are immigratinge to foreign countries, so that the receivinged countries' resources should be spentd in this regards. This creates poverty for both sides. To sum up, I can say that poverty will probably always exist. Nevertheless, countries around the world can take action to reduce it by ensuring that there is a fair distribution of wealth among people and by making sure that all people have access to education. Also, the world must put all its attempt to end the wars.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/What can we do to help poor, Sarvenaz Rashedi.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Every country has poor people and every country has different ways of dealing with poor. What are some of the reasons for world poverty? What can we do to help poor. Even in developed countries poverty exists. However, in many developing countries poverty is a major problem and the number of poor people is are increasing. It means that poverty does is not just belongs to deprived societies or communities. There are some causes in this regards which need to be taken into account ( considered) in order to help the poor. In my opinion, the first factor that influencing the world poverty is the economic system. As this system distributes vital resources unequally among people, it creates social classes, rich and poor people, so a modern social and economic structure should be formed to address this issue, but economic development does not always mean the end of to poverty. Our government should try to make sure that it is in the interests of our society. Another reason for world poverty is illiteracy. Many people around the world do not have access to education and cannot can not learn to read or write. Therefore, they are precluded from well‐paid employment and so cannot not improve their living conditions, thus to provide help in this regards, all countries around the world should put their priority to get ride of literacy by providing comprehensive education for all citizens, so that everyone can have a chance to improve change to improving their his/her living standards via access to education. Id addition, I think war plays a great role in world's poverty. it can destroy infrastructures and financial resources, besides causing causes widespread unemployment. All above, raises the number of refugees who are immigratinge to foreign countries, so that the receivinged countries' resources should be spentd in this regards. This creates poverty for both sides. To sum up, I can say that poverty will probably always exist. Nevertheless, countries around the world can take action to reduce it by ensuring that there is a fair distribution of wealth among people and by making sure that all people have access to education. Also, the world must put all its attempt to end the wars.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Using Cars in 20 Years, Amin Neshan 2016-02-07T07:54:26+00:00 2016-02-07T07:54:26+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Using Cars in 20 Years, Amin Neshan.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. Use specefic reasons and examples to support your answer. Who has not been faced with the densely traffic congestion after a holiday on mornings in my county, Iran, particularly in the capital city, Tehran? Too many cars irregularly entangled embedded into each other/one another are not only confusing, but also make every one whether either a happy or unhappy person frustrated wilfully or ignorantly. Such a scene has been becoming an ordinary view in the eyes vision of people living in major cities. Therefore, as far as I am personally concerned, to be honest, I cannot imagine a setup in which in the following twenty years the rates of using cars will be lowered. The reasons why such a claim may be stated are expanded as expounded below. Regarding the public's culture, namely the people's attributes as a whole, the use of cars in future is unlikely to be reduced at all. At some point in the past, At once, the people in the country discreetly dealt with others specially when there were a few people involved in a collective position; the people not only endured bothering each other but also enjoyed doing collective activities. My father told me interestingly, for instance, cars full of a dozen of people might be seen in roads going on a trip. Instead, on account of the fact that society's characteristic nature has been obviously changed, today people prefer possessing personal cars and improve their privacy as much possible as they can possibly afford. As a result of expanding privacy, each person pursues to have a personal car with which he or she can do everything he wants and improve his freedom. Hence, the rise of car use in following years is not very far‐fetched. out of mind. At the second place, the public transportation system is not as efficient as it should enough for the people to stave off possessing a personal car. There is not a great deal of investment either by the government or entrepreneurs based on which the public transport will be organized. While some people assert the mentioned statement, others believe the management on the public transport is not efficient to discourage private transport cause people not to use personal car. Whether Either the former or the latter belief is true, the people prefer getting in on their cars in spite of being involved with a dense traffic on the surface of streets. Third but not the least, with respect to the recent resent rates of population densities according which the number of people is being increasingly raised reducing the number of cars in future may not be imagined. Although the general public faces a number of serious problems trouble earning a sufficient income to cover their demands, the government policy encourages people to give birth to more children so that political authorities impose a few incentives on the community to raise the number of their children. Consequently in a nutshell, I am not hopeful enough to think of a situation in which people abandon possessing a personal car, based on the a cultural aspect, the problematic public transportation system, and population rates mentioned above.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Using Cars in 20 Years, Amin Neshan.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? In twenty years, there will be fewer cars in use than there are today. Use specefic reasons and examples to support your answer. Who has not been faced with the densely traffic congestion after a holiday on mornings in my county, Iran, particularly in the capital city, Tehran? Too many cars irregularly entangled embedded into each other/one another are not only confusing, but also make every one whether either a happy or unhappy person frustrated wilfully or ignorantly. Such a scene has been becoming an ordinary view in the eyes vision of people living in major cities. Therefore, as far as I am personally concerned, to be honest, I cannot imagine a setup in which in the following twenty years the rates of using cars will be lowered. The reasons why such a claim may be stated are expanded as expounded below. Regarding the public's culture, namely the people's attributes as a whole, the use of cars in future is unlikely to be reduced at all. At some point in the past, At once, the people in the country discreetly dealt with others specially when there were a few people involved in a collective position; the people not only endured bothering each other but also enjoyed doing collective activities. My father told me interestingly, for instance, cars full of a dozen of people might be seen in roads going on a trip. Instead, on account of the fact that society's characteristic nature has been obviously changed, today people prefer possessing personal cars and improve their privacy as much possible as they can possibly afford. As a result of expanding privacy, each person pursues to have a personal car with which he or she can do everything he wants and improve his freedom. Hence, the rise of car use in following years is not very far‐fetched. out of mind. At the second place, the public transportation system is not as efficient as it should enough for the people to stave off possessing a personal car. There is not a great deal of investment either by the government or entrepreneurs based on which the public transport will be organized. While some people assert the mentioned statement, others believe the management on the public transport is not efficient to discourage private transport cause people not to use personal car. Whether Either the former or the latter belief is true, the people prefer getting in on their cars in spite of being involved with a dense traffic on the surface of streets. Third but not the least, with respect to the recent resent rates of population densities according which the number of people is being increasingly raised reducing the number of cars in future may not be imagined. Although the general public faces a number of serious problems trouble earning a sufficient income to cover their demands, the government policy encourages people to give birth to more children so that political authorities impose a few incentives on the community to raise the number of their children. Consequently in a nutshell, I am not hopeful enough to think of a situation in which people abandon possessing a personal car, based on the a cultural aspect, the problematic public transportation system, and population rates mentioned above.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Technology and Tradition , Sahar Ghasemi 2016-02-07T07:54:04+00:00 2016-02-07T07:54:04+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Technology and Tradition , Sahar Ghasemi.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">When a country develop its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Nowadays, with some say that technological advances and their rapid and wide applications have a significant impact on in conventional skills and a lifestyle, while others some individuals disagree oppose that technology and tradition are indeed compatible. First of all, traditional methods can be the best solution for the problems that happened in a ((mainstream)) life style. Throughout innumerable cases in history, people have been are trying to preserve traditional skills for using them in technology for example, people in small citiesy near Africa have a few facilities such as and schools and it is hard for a family to send their children abroad or other schools out of the city, here new technology and the internet can solve their problem and pupils are able enable to use classes online and there is no need for high expenditure and transportation. Second, in fact traditional method generate innovate new ideas for technologies and a modern lifestyle. The word "love" ((love)) is knitted in a sweater in a traditional way with the hand of women in south of Africa, but business managers buy new devices for producinge textile and making new lines with feeding applying this world into computers and copy them into textile. Not only does it help to boost production, but also investment, and in a short time they could receive much numerous money. To put it in a nutshell not shell, we must see that technology and tradition side by side they can live side by side inside each other comfortably and complement cover each other fact, we must use tradition because it innovates ideas for technology. tradition is part of our culture and all humans try to preserve it them for using it to develop technology.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Technology and Tradition , Sahar Ghasemi.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">When a country develop its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? Nowadays, with some say that technological advances and their rapid and wide applications have a significant impact on in conventional skills and a lifestyle, while others some individuals disagree oppose that technology and tradition are indeed compatible. First of all, traditional methods can be the best solution for the problems that happened in a ((mainstream)) life style. Throughout innumerable cases in history, people have been are trying to preserve traditional skills for using them in technology for example, people in small citiesy near Africa have a few facilities such as and schools and it is hard for a family to send their children abroad or other schools out of the city, here new technology and the internet can solve their problem and pupils are able enable to use classes online and there is no need for high expenditure and transportation. Second, in fact traditional method generate innovate new ideas for technologies and a modern lifestyle. The word "love" ((love)) is knitted in a sweater in a traditional way with the hand of women in south of Africa, but business managers buy new devices for producinge textile and making new lines with feeding applying this world into computers and copy them into textile. Not only does it help to boost production, but also investment, and in a short time they could receive much numerous money. To put it in a nutshell not shell, we must see that technology and tradition side by side they can live side by side inside each other comfortably and complement cover each other fact, we must use tradition because it innovates ideas for technology. tradition is part of our culture and all humans try to preserve it them for using it to develop technology.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Reducing Garbage Production, Mehraneh 2016-02-07T07:53:42+00:00 2016-02-07T07:53:42+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Reducing Garbage Production, Mehraneh.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">How we can reduce garbage production? Nowadays, one of the main threats ening factor is producing garbage more and more such that by increasing population, it plays a vital role in for threatening world nations, so it would be effective, if we provided solutions as soon as possible. Throughout In through of history, experts have introduced some beneficial solutions for this problem such as separating goods , using garbage sales , making compost and recycling the products. Although many containers have been determined for dividing glass, plastic, papers, hazardous and chemical substances in our cities , the bulk of them is seldom absorbed in the soil. Experts advisece to buying renewable products, for instance paper grocery bag , or paper food boxes instead of plastic bags or glass bottles and jars. Pesticides, batteries, cleaners and lights are very dangerous and their toxins toxic must not enter to the environment because it will pollute water and land obviously. Artists have suggested a new way to reduce ing garbage by designing handworks. First they will rinse and color the staffs, and then will buildt new products such as pots Pots, frames and pencil Pencil cases. People dispose of magazines, devices, clothes or Furniture. Not only should they not throw them away, but rather also donate them to charity centers or garbage sales. Also edible materials can create perfect compost, so we should dig a hole and put them under the ground until they have been disintegrated gradually. Many much garbage is are burnt in landfills, but this way always is not always useful. Not only do they cause become pollution, but also chemicals and toxinsc enter to the environment to sum up, the public can prepare huge landfills in countries, but recycling will save/rescue survive our world for future easily.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Reducing Garbage Production, Mehraneh.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">How we can reduce garbage production? Nowadays, one of the main threats ening factor is producing garbage more and more such that by increasing population, it plays a vital role in for threatening world nations, so it would be effective, if we provided solutions as soon as possible. Throughout In through of history, experts have introduced some beneficial solutions for this problem such as separating goods , using garbage sales , making compost and recycling the products. Although many containers have been determined for dividing glass, plastic, papers, hazardous and chemical substances in our cities , the bulk of them is seldom absorbed in the soil. Experts advisece to buying renewable products, for instance paper grocery bag , or paper food boxes instead of plastic bags or glass bottles and jars. Pesticides, batteries, cleaners and lights are very dangerous and their toxins toxic must not enter to the environment because it will pollute water and land obviously. Artists have suggested a new way to reduce ing garbage by designing handworks. First they will rinse and color the staffs, and then will buildt new products such as pots Pots, frames and pencil Pencil cases. People dispose of magazines, devices, clothes or Furniture. Not only should they not throw them away, but rather also donate them to charity centers or garbage sales. Also edible materials can create perfect compost, so we should dig a hole and put them under the ground until they have been disintegrated gradually. Many much garbage is are burnt in landfills, but this way always is not always useful. Not only do they cause become pollution, but also chemicals and toxinsc enter to the environment to sum up, the public can prepare huge landfills in countries, but recycling will save/rescue survive our world for future easily.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Promoting Just for Old Staff, Sepideh 2016-02-07T07:51:47+00:00 2016-02-07T07:51:47+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Promoting Just for Old Staff, Sepideh.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Some people think that only staff who worked in a company for a long time should be promoted to higher positions. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples. In this day and age, one of the important parts of people's life is their occupation. Obviously companies and their staff can affect the function of each other. The question arises (a query requiring) as to which employee should be deservedly promoted to higher positions. Some mention/say a promotion should be for experienced employees. I somewhat agree with this opinion. From my perspective, experienced employees are the company's main company's capital. Everybody knows that team working is the essence of every work and without havinge the ability we may be observed conflicts among of staff which it results in wasting time and money and poses growing irreversible problems, so old member, from my point of view, because of staying in a long term at the company, they become familiar with/adapt to company's environment and hierarchy and common culture. It means that they acquire the most of important factors which is conducive to a suitable performance in on team working that it could paves the way in every company. Furthermore, old staff compared with new ones, respect the company's mission and vision more. It means that they believe that their company is like their family. Obviously, with is such an attitude, they think they are at play in company's issues and benefits. Indeed, not only do they feel their colleagues are like members of their family, but also they feel company's success is that of an individual exemplar individual's one, so in this circumstance, they set and achieve their company's goal. They no spare no effort to reach that target.spared with their diligence and attention and. And the last but not the least is old employees' loyalty toward their company. Almost all, they pride themselves on their company and an overwhelming number of , experienced staff respect on their company's ethical principles. Ironically, they have to assume/shoulder responsibility about their company. In conclusion, upgrading old members not only it causes them to improve their motivation, but also it leads to increasinge the company's performance. Hence, In that it is appropriate that the company consider the older ones for promotion. . Sepideh</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Promoting Just for Old Staff, Sepideh.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Some people think that only staff who worked in a company for a long time should be promoted to higher positions. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples. In this day and age, one of the important parts of people's life is their occupation. Obviously companies and their staff can affect the function of each other. The question arises (a query requiring) as to which employee should be deservedly promoted to higher positions. Some mention/say a promotion should be for experienced employees. I somewhat agree with this opinion. From my perspective, experienced employees are the company's main company's capital. Everybody knows that team working is the essence of every work and without havinge the ability we may be observed conflicts among of staff which it results in wasting time and money and poses growing irreversible problems, so old member, from my point of view, because of staying in a long term at the company, they become familiar with/adapt to company's environment and hierarchy and common culture. It means that they acquire the most of important factors which is conducive to a suitable performance in on team working that it could paves the way in every company. Furthermore, old staff compared with new ones, respect the company's mission and vision more. It means that they believe that their company is like their family. Obviously, with is such an attitude, they think they are at play in company's issues and benefits. Indeed, not only do they feel their colleagues are like members of their family, but also they feel company's success is that of an individual exemplar individual's one, so in this circumstance, they set and achieve their company's goal. They no spare no effort to reach that target.spared with their diligence and attention and. And the last but not the least is old employees' loyalty toward their company. Almost all, they pride themselves on their company and an overwhelming number of , experienced staff respect on their company's ethical principles. Ironically, they have to assume/shoulder responsibility about their company. In conclusion, upgrading old members not only it causes them to improve their motivation, but also it leads to increasinge the company's performance. Hence, In that it is appropriate that the company consider the older ones for promotion. . Sepideh</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Male and Female Students, Babak 2016-02-07T07:50:38+00:00 2016-02-07T07:50:38+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Male and Female Students, Babak.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Our world has been undergoing many massive changes over the last decades. The girls who used not to be admitted by universities due to their gender nowadays can freely pursue their education in various colleges. However, I definitely oppose the policy of the equal number of male and female students being admitted the equal number of male and female students regardless of their ability and talent by universities. Obviously, the right of having the same choice in education including opting for universities and majors for girls and boys is a valued achievement, but it does not mean that universities should take pity on (pity on) female students and accept them just because of their gender, in which case some talented men are deprived of entering university. It/this can have a negative and damaging effect on the whole society and engender violence and resentment against girls into boys. Secondly, when male students have to pay equal university fees and taxes compared with female students, the acceptance of students based on the gender can be interpreted as a kind of discrimination against them. Thirdly, there are some majors which men have a naturally inclination towards them like some arduous physical studies like civil engineering. On the other hand, there are some particular subjects like nursing with a higher chance to be chosen by girls, whereas by adopting this policy these potential and opportunities disappear. In conclusion, I personally think that acceptance of students by college must be based on the how capability and talent an individual possesses, and in this process some unrelated factors like the gender should never be taken into account.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Male and Female Students, Babak.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Universities should accept equal numbers of male and female students in every subject. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Our world has been undergoing many massive changes over the last decades. The girls who used not to be admitted by universities due to their gender nowadays can freely pursue their education in various colleges. However, I definitely oppose the policy of the equal number of male and female students being admitted the equal number of male and female students regardless of their ability and talent by universities. Obviously, the right of having the same choice in education including opting for universities and majors for girls and boys is a valued achievement, but it does not mean that universities should take pity on (pity on) female students and accept them just because of their gender, in which case some talented men are deprived of entering university. It/this can have a negative and damaging effect on the whole society and engender violence and resentment against girls into boys. Secondly, when male students have to pay equal university fees and taxes compared with female students, the acceptance of students based on the gender can be interpreted as a kind of discrimination against them. Thirdly, there are some majors which men have a naturally inclination towards them like some arduous physical studies like civil engineering. On the other hand, there are some particular subjects like nursing with a higher chance to be chosen by girls, whereas by adopting this policy these potential and opportunities disappear. In conclusion, I personally think that acceptance of students by college must be based on the how capability and talent an individual possesses, and in this process some unrelated factors like the gender should never be taken into account.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> IQ & EQ , Nasrin Moravej 2016-02-07T07:50:08+00:00 2016-02-07T07:50:08+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/IQ &amp; EQ , Nasrin Moravej.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Which of them, an intelligence quotation (IQ) or an emotional intelligence quotation (EQ) is more important and dose it possible to raise them? To understand the higher more importance of IQ OR EQ, we should first to know about the a difference between these two types of tow intelligence and then try to find which of them can be enhanced /raised? According to psychologists, IQ includes mathematics, logical reasoning and memory. This intelligence could bring us a significant educational degree and professional success, But most of the people with an impressive fabulous IQ are doing poorly in their life because they are thinking, communicating and behaving somehow that eventuates in wasting their potential to some extentd which that disturbs their opportunity for having a prosperous life. Besides, IQ is gifted and by birth, so it cannot changing easily. Then as psychologists said, EQ or EI is directly related to perceivinge emotions, trammel emotions and being moderate, understand and manageing those emotions. They considered the people with high EQ can reason and solve problems in basic of them with recognized and managing of emotions and handling relationships. Moreover, you can always change your EQ for excellence surpass. Due to the reasons given, IQ is a measure of the ability to learn or understand, but EQ is a measure of the ability to use your emotions and logical skills. Furthermore, if IQ helps you get in the door, EQ helps you succeed at a job, and besides, if IQ gets you through school, EQ gets you through life. In this the way, you can constantly excel by changing your EQ.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/IQ &amp; EQ , Nasrin Moravej.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Which of them, an intelligence quotation (IQ) or an emotional intelligence quotation (EQ) is more important and dose it possible to raise them? To understand the higher more importance of IQ OR EQ, we should first to know about the a difference between these two types of tow intelligence and then try to find which of them can be enhanced /raised? According to psychologists, IQ includes mathematics, logical reasoning and memory. This intelligence could bring us a significant educational degree and professional success, But most of the people with an impressive fabulous IQ are doing poorly in their life because they are thinking, communicating and behaving somehow that eventuates in wasting their potential to some extentd which that disturbs their opportunity for having a prosperous life. Besides, IQ is gifted and by birth, so it cannot changing easily. Then as psychologists said, EQ or EI is directly related to perceivinge emotions, trammel emotions and being moderate, understand and manageing those emotions. They considered the people with high EQ can reason and solve problems in basic of them with recognized and managing of emotions and handling relationships. Moreover, you can always change your EQ for excellence surpass. Due to the reasons given, IQ is a measure of the ability to learn or understand, but EQ is a measure of the ability to use your emotions and logical skills. Furthermore, if IQ helps you get in the door, EQ helps you succeed at a job, and besides, if IQ gets you through school, EQ gets you through life. In this the way, you can constantly excel by changing your EQ.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> Investment in The Arts, Jalal Asghari 2016-02-07T07:49:44+00:00 2016-02-07T07:49:44+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Investment in The Arts, Jalal Asghari.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Writing workshop 94/11/16 Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Some say that funding by governments in the arts isn't a worthwhile investment and they must spend budgets in public services, but this cannot be an acceptable by all people in a society and some oppose this. Although the arts like music, theatre or movie theatres are a part of people's spiritual needs and can improve the health of society, but they are it's not on in top of people's needs and some other necessities like public transportation or the environment have more importance. However, in modern societies governments cannot deny citizens' human emotions and must invest in From In another point of view, a portion of people are working in this field and it's their career., then, as a part of society where which a percentage of the turnover exists, is there governments should spend a proportion /percent of the total budget to get it organized.juice up it. It can be a support to provide a place to hold programs or a help in public transportation to people who want to go there or in other infrastructures which need a huge investment if the governments don't support, or alternatively they can support the private sectors to invest in this field and develop it. Governments that have no freedom of speech in their countries try to invest in this field widely not for people's satisfaction and nor respect to a human sense, but for reaching to their goals and to divert people's concentration to subjects like religion, holy defense or nationality. These aren't regular cases and aren't durable conditions. Consequently, governments should plan to invest in on all levels of socialety necessities and they should invest in the arts as a part of these needs or support private sectors to invest in it.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/Investment in The Arts, Jalal Asghari.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">Writing workshop 94/11/16 Government investment in the arts, such as music and theatre, is a waste of money. Governments must invest this money in public services instead. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Some say that funding by governments in the arts isn't a worthwhile investment and they must spend budgets in public services, but this cannot be an acceptable by all people in a society and some oppose this. Although the arts like music, theatre or movie theatres are a part of people's spiritual needs and can improve the health of society, but they are it's not on in top of people's needs and some other necessities like public transportation or the environment have more importance. However, in modern societies governments cannot deny citizens' human emotions and must invest in From In another point of view, a portion of people are working in this field and it's their career., then, as a part of society where which a percentage of the turnover exists, is there governments should spend a proportion /percent of the total budget to get it organized.juice up it. It can be a support to provide a place to hold programs or a help in public transportation to people who want to go there or in other infrastructures which need a huge investment if the governments don't support, or alternatively they can support the private sectors to invest in this field and develop it. Governments that have no freedom of speech in their countries try to invest in this field widely not for people's satisfaction and nor respect to a human sense, but for reaching to their goals and to divert people's concentration to subjects like religion, holy defense or nationality. These aren't regular cases and aren't durable conditions. Consequently, governments should plan to invest in on all levels of socialety necessities and they should invest in the arts as a part of these needs or support private sectors to invest in it.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> In Some Countries Children Have Strict Rules of Behavior, Hanieh Eftekhari 2016-02-07T07:49:05+00:00 2016-02-07T07:49:05+00:00 <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/In Some Countries Children Have Strict Rules of Behavior, Hanieh Eftekhari.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">In some countries children have strict rules of behavior, in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they like. To what extent should children have to follow rules. There have been different approaches for nurturing children the child over recent years all around the world. Educationalists in some countries try to promote the new trend in which children could behave arbitrarily without any limitation. Nevertheless, some believe that parents should teach them to obey the rules which are enforced in different situations. To begin with, it is believed that children are of complex nature which needs different requirements to fulfill its optimum perfect functionality. this it is to say that, children need to have an opportunity to apply themselves freely in the way that some of their traits such as, creativity could be developed. Thus, by exerting power and energy to holds individuals' attitudes and behaviors in particular way, their creativity would be gradually diminished. Furthermore, it is proved that children who which are used to be excessively obedient are more likely to be dependent and consequently, have lower self‐ put it simply, the ones who were was raised in a rule‐oriented environment tend to be given a defined way to perform their task in adulthood. On the other hand, some others assert that children should be taught the rules and facts before embarking on finding new ways of living, so . so, they need assistance to be guided in a to correct way. Furthermore, it has been proved that every person who is not obliged to follow any rules in childhood might be more rebellious and lawbreakingbreaker in adulthood,. therefore, not only should we try ……. be tried to rear creative and self‐starter children, but also their social behavior should be developed which requires obedience. In conclusion, although some educationalists argue that children should demonstrate their own nature freely, some others believe that this approach might be result in more chaos in society. I ,myself, believe that parents should define the main way for their children and let their creativity and initiative would be improved without pressure.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table> <table border="1" width="80%" align="center"> <tbody> <tr> <td> <p dir="rtl" align="center"><span style="color: #ff0000; font-size: medium;">جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید.</span></p> <p align="center"><a href=" Workshop Friday 94.11.16/In Some Countries Children Have Strict Rules of Behavior, Hanieh Eftekhari.pdf"><img src="" alt="" /></a></p> <p dir="ltr" align="left">In some countries children have strict rules of behavior, in other countries they are allowed to do almost anything they like. To what extent should children have to follow rules. There have been different approaches for nurturing children the child over recent years all around the world. Educationalists in some countries try to promote the new trend in which children could behave arbitrarily without any limitation. Nevertheless, some believe that parents should teach them to obey the rules which are enforced in different situations. To begin with, it is believed that children are of complex nature which needs different requirements to fulfill its optimum perfect functionality. this it is to say that, children need to have an opportunity to apply themselves freely in the way that some of their traits such as, creativity could be developed. Thus, by exerting power and energy to holds individuals' attitudes and behaviors in particular way, their creativity would be gradually diminished. Furthermore, it is proved that children who which are used to be excessively obedient are more likely to be dependent and consequently, have lower self‐ put it simply, the ones who were was raised in a rule‐oriented environment tend to be given a defined way to perform their task in adulthood. On the other hand, some others assert that children should be taught the rules and facts before embarking on finding new ways of living, so . so, they need assistance to be guided in a to correct way. Furthermore, it has been proved that every person who is not obliged to follow any rules in childhood might be more rebellious and lawbreakingbreaker in adulthood,. therefore, not only should we try ……. be tried to rear creative and self‐starter children, but also their social behavior should be developed which requires obedience. In conclusion, although some educationalists argue that children should demonstrate their own nature freely, some others believe that this approach might be result in more chaos in society. I ,myself, believe that parents should define the main way for their children and let their creativity and initiative would be improved without pressure.</p> </td> </tr> </tbody> </table>