Fridays Sat, 04 May 2024 03:05:24 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) Amir G, Museums  

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Many museums and historical sites are mostly visited by foreign tourists, but not local people. Why do you think it happens? What can be done to attract local visitors to these sites? Regrettably, a vast majority of the populace are not attracted to their regional historical places and museums. In the light of this, authorities in many parts of the world are looking to find the reasons alongside the practical solutions to encourage people from different social strata to visit such a priceless areas. The following lines elaborate on this critically important topic. These days, it is not that must weird for most museums and historical places to be visited by foreigners and not local people. Perhaps, one of the main reasons behind the fact that the local people are not so interested to in such places lies in easy accessibility to those invaluable places. In other words, while many travel to visit a museum in even another continent, others procrastinate visiting a historical area in his their area reasoning that he they still has have more important duties than visiting a historical place inside his their territory. To encourage locals from all walks of life to visit their historical areas and museums authorities have to rise raise people’s awareness. That is to say, only if individuals recognize the importance of visiting those areas, can we expect to have a live in a better society. That the history is the only true teacher is an indisputable fact. Tired of the hectic pace of life in this day and age, ordinary people are not aware of the real significance of visiting such immeasurable worthwhile areas. To cut a long story short, I maintain that it is incumbent upon both the government and the elite of societies to improve the public awareness regarding the value of visiting those places. I also hold the idea that not only is visiting historical sites of paramount importance from a cultural point of view, but it also can help society to experience a widely acceptable cash flow (due to the)/because of the money people spend within their borders.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:59:43 +0000
Bita, Online Education  

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Online education and training is becoming increasingly popular in the business world. Do the advantages of this development outweigh the disadvantages? Today, online education is definitely one of the newest and fastest moving industries. Even thought, many students perceive it as an improvement in learning techniques, while others think that it is not as much effective as classroom learning. In the following some merits and demerits are discussed: More and more students are opting to getting their degree this way instead of going to a land college, mostly due to the convenience of the schedule. It means that you can manage your workload to suit your own circumstances. For example, you may be in fulltime employment or in a position of some responsibilities relate to your family. So, what you definitely have less of, is spare time. On the other hand, this technique of learning is less expense, either course’s cost or comminuting’s expenditure. On The reverse side of the coin, this method of learning involves you in becoming a selfstudy learner. Moreover, there is no face to face contact. Also you have less teach-student interactions that cause less monitoring on your assignment and project by your tutor. To sum it up, I personally opine that, although distance teaching and learning give rise to that students have more autonomy, moreover, taking responsibility for their own learning, it have a less efficient method than that of in the classroom. In fact, it would be better method provided that individuals apply it that to those who havebe occupation with full-time employment and have less of the rime time to studying, not students that all they have to do is study.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:59:30 +0000
Boshra, No Teachers  

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As computers are being used more and more in education, there will be soon no role for teachers in the classroom. Do you agree or disagree. The advent of computers has revolutionized the way we are living. This phenomenon has sparked a heated debate among researchers some of whom assume that due to this alteration, no longer do we need the presence of teachers at schools. It means that students are capable of learning an array of subjects through online systems. I, personally, assert that not only is the duty of teachers not just allotted to transferring scientific issues, but they also have to teach students how they should behave in society. That is why I disagree with the given idea. First and foremost, in a society where children study at home and undependent of schools' teachers, they will be isolated. The case in point is some offspring spending most of their time at their room and tends not to interact with others. These people will have numerous difficulties in the future. For example, these isolated members of the public can not develop a prosperous future at the workplace where they should communicate with their colleagues. Further and even more importantly is associated with the fact that nowadays teachers teach different scientific concepts and then learners can do homework or carry out projects based on what they acquire, thus without the contribution of teachers/ the guide/leaders they are not able to learn basic facts. On the other hand, proponents concur that the personality of under-aged members of the public is completely different from those of their counterparts in the past meaning that they prefer to educate through their gadgets which is of great benefit for them. The pivotal reason is that in this way they should not waste their time travellinggoing to school. In addition, they will have more concentration at what they study by themselves. On the whole, I once again reaffirm my position regarding the detrimental effects of studying via technological devices. I believe that with teachers in addition to/besides learning lessons, children get familiar with numerous effective skills which are completely necessary for their future..

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:59:03 +0000
Mahtab, Young People and Communities  

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Do you agree or disagree? Young people nowadays do not give enough time to helping their communities. Today, the young generation is facing more criticism of their contribution to the society. Old people define them as a lazy and selfish generation. However, I strongly oppose this idea that young individuals are apathetic. In the following paragraphs, I will explain why this generation can be considered as helpful as previous generations. To begin with, according to developments and technology, many of the tasks are not done by own people. In view of technology, the appliances have developed, so most of the manual work is done by the devices such as a vacuum cleaner. Therefore, homes require need children’s need less than before. In addition, many organizations have been established providing a various services which can be helpful for the families. For instance, the decades ago, people themselves took care of the aged people, but today we witness developing development of the retirement houses which can nurse elderly people. This method has edge over the old way. In fact, old people are in the care of individuals who are educated at in this field like doctors, psychologists, and nurses. Moreover, I opine that younger people prefer helping society instead of one person. We can take the student charities as an example. Many of these charities have been recently established. In these charities,where they labor to educate the adolescents having fallen behind in order to be a promising person in the new near future. In other words, many of them do believe in this expression “give a man fish and you feed him; show him how to catch fish and you feed him for a lifetime.” In that case, It seems they take sensible actions rather than emotional ones. To conclude, I guess we cannot claim that the young generation considers itself less effective members than the previous onesgenerations. Since they are more educated and creative, they have decided to change the way they can help their communities and the less fortunate. To put it simply, we cannot compare generations’ sympathy with each other, because the world keeps changing and each of them makes up their own mind about how to be worthwhile according to the circumstances.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:57:44 +0000
Mohamad Garfani, Immigration  

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More and more qualified people are moving from poor to rich countries to fill vacancies in specialist areas like engineering, computing and medicine. Some people believe that by encouraging the movement of such people, rich countries are stealing from poor countries. Others feel that this is only part of the natural movement of workers around the world. Do you agree or disagree? The so-called ‘brain drain’ from poor to rich countries is now robbing poorer countries of essential personnel like doctors, nurses, engineers and the trend is set to continue, if not to get worse. Many people are in the beliefe that rich nations are alluring talented people and necessary manpower by providing a better welfare system and higher salary. This can cause devastated countries suffer from the lack of people who can be the pioneer of development. Besides, poor countries will not get any benefit out of this vast migration rate happening today. Others, myself included, are of the opinion that measures should be taken to help poor countries. Because wherever vast majority of the youth leave their home for a better life, their own countries will face a situation which cannot produce and train talented people. On the whole, rich nations cannot have growth at the expense of wither of others. Globalisation is a good proces and can be used to tackle the problem. By investing in poor nations we could have a win-win game and people can flourish their talents everywhere. In conclusion, by helping other areas to growth by investing in their areas we are actually giving the opportunity to individuals to show themself and succed in their career which is good for both the surveillance rich and poor areas.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:57:32 +0000
Mohamad Reza Parpanji, Retired People and Government  

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Some people believe that the government should take care of old people and provide financial support after they retire. Others say individuals should save during their working years to fund their own retirement. What is your opinion? Give reasons for your answer and include examples from your own experience. The issue of elderlies and their happiness in society is probably as old as humanity itself. Although many argue the government is responsible for financially supporting elderlies, others believe that old people themselves should take care of themselves through their savings. One the one hand, some believe that people should take responsibility to support themselves when they get old through what they have accumulated during the years they have worked. First, this promotes the culture of hardworking and independence, making people feel that they will be given only what achieved in their youth. Thus, everybody would make more effort to build a better future for their families and themselves when become retired. Otherwise, being relied on the government would cause people to lose their motivation to work hard as they are certain about their free aid coming from their angel guard. Secondly, considering the great growing number of elders, increasing longevity, and spreading of different types of diseases out braking in modern societies, the government would buckle with more pressure which can bring about cuts in other sectors. Indeed, so catastrophic is the financial crises around the world that everyone should pull their own weight. On the other hand, others contend that the government should be held responsible for providing financial support schemes for senior citizens. Firstly, many sociologists consider the happiness of elders in a country ‘the canary in the mine’ for the total social welfare – a symbol of how content the residents feel and fulfilled they find their expectations from their rulers. Being one of the most vulnerable sectors of society, elder citizens often are to bear the brunt of financial and social crises. This age bracket virtually consists of members who heavily rely on others and seek assistance for supplying their rudimentary needs. Therefore, their satisfaction has often believed to be a good manifest of a well-organized, functional society. Governments could try to reduce this vulnerability by implementing some public welfare programs and holding up social safety nets. Moreover, failing to amass enough saving can translate into the end of the world for elder people. It is not highly improbable that one loses their savings, goes bankrupt, or fails to reach the financial target in their lives. Under these not exceptional circumstances, an old man finds himself in a deadlock as returning to the battlefield and starting over is perhaps out of the question for him. In conclusion, although many might find it a massive burden on governments, I strongly believe that governments should support old people and give them the joy and happiness they deserve.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:57:02 +0000
Mohammad Razavi, Cleaning  

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Some people think that residents must take responsibility for cleaning and tidying up of their neighborhood. Others believe that the government should take care of it. Discuss and include your own opinion. A Clean and immaculate environment is the right of citizens. Everybody should live in the area which itswhose microbes and bacterizes bacteria could not threaten their health. But the an important question has been raised here that which is who is responsible to clean the surface of the cities, Citizens or the government? The State shall provide facilities for removing rubbish and garbage, and cleaning the streets and alleys. It is the government’s responsibility to organize a system for effacing garbage. But the meaning of the above sentences is not that citizens are not in charge. Based on political philosophers’ viewpoint, ordinary people and the government have a reciprocal duty. Therefore, the inhabitants of a district shall be aware of their responsibility/burden. I am inclined to think that when someone utters that the government is responsible to remove garbage from city, she mustshall be aware of her responsibility too. This notation follows one question, what are the citizens’/burgher’s responsibilities? I can name some of them: they should pay their tax, put their trash in particular places and separate their wet and dry garbage. Also individuals shall avoid to spreading litter. But how could the government arouses people to do their duties? I think they could put some rewards i.e. paying lesser tax, free using of the public transporting system and so onother measures. Also the State shall enact some penalties for anybody who does not do her duties. On the other hand, citizens could monitor the way of disposal of waste and if they don’t satisfy comply/cooperate then Administration shall change and modify the waste handling system. At the end, I want to express that not only is municipality responsible to clean off the city but also people should consider their duties. Insofar as we are not aware of our responsibilities, society could not be developed.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:56:50 +0000
Nasrin, Phisycal Exercise  

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Doctors in many countries say that people do not do enough physical exercises. What are the causes of this trend? How can the situation be improved? Regular exercise has been proven to be of immersed benefit to body and mind. In the recent computerized-modern era, lack of exercises can cause risk to diseases such as obesity, artery, heart attack and other chronic ones. Such a staggering number of obesity has made the experts search for the underlying causes. A wide array of reasons can be declared such as business, unwillingness and no access to sport centers. By knowing the reasons governments can remedy the situation for having healthier citizens. Firstly, In today’s world people mostly have to toil from day to night to make a living, so they have fewer time for doing physical activities. In second, as a result of overpopulation and expanding the size of cities rarely can we find people walking and not using automobiles for commuting. In addition, people mostly prefer to spend their leisure time surfing on the internet or watching movies instead of going out and soaking the fresh air while doing workouts. Exercising shall be a part of the daily routine for everybody, it is better to train people to unconsciously set aside a time for physical activities. Media can play an active role to make exercising a priority for people by using advertising tools. Companies can establish contract with gyms for their employees and motivate them to doing exercises, although it seems to be capital-intensive for governments at first but the experience proved that pale into insignificance compared to the cost of health services.In conclusion, it is an unwritten fact that by committing doing exercise it will become a habit that people cannot leave it away easily. Hence, preparing some prerequisites such as convenient sport spots, people tend to work out more and leave life healthily to the full.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:56:03 +0000
Parinaz, Business Manager  

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The following is a memorandum from the business manager of a television station. “Over the past year, our late-night news program has devoted increased time to national news and less time to weather and local news. During this time period, most of the complaints received from viewers were concerned with our station’s coverage of weather and local news. In addition, local businesses that used to advertise during our late-night news program have just canceled their advertising contracts with us. Therefore, avoid losing any further advertising revenues, we should restore the time devoted to weather and local news to its former level” Write a response in which you discuss what specific evidence is needed to evaluate argument and explain how the evidence would weaken and strengthen the argument. In this memo, the author concludes based on assumptions that seems convincing at first glance,. however, with a closer look they are not compelling enough and wellsupported. The argument assumes that the reasons behind complaints are directly related to decreasing time to weather and local news while it is not based on sound grounds. Also, the writer justifies the cancelation of local businesses advertisements contracts due to less time given to local news, which is not compelling. First of all, the author mentioned that these results occurred during a specific period of time. It can be inferred from the situation that probably the consequences that writer directly relates to less time to local news and weather coverage is are merely related to that period of time. It is plausible that the same news timing in some other periods of time would not bring about the same results in complaints or advertising rates. The argument would have been more compelling had it provided the same results in diverse periods of time. Secondly, the argument depends on an unsubstantiated premise that the high rate of complaints in that period of time was due to weather coverage news; however, it may refer to the quality of weather coverage in that specific time, not the duration of weather news. The argument would have to further prove that the root cause of the complaints was purely the timing of the weather coverage news. A A major problem with the last part of the argument is that the writer assumes that canceling the advertising contracts by local businesses stems in purely from less local news or even less time to weather news, . however, it can refers to some financial and economic crisis crises in the local businesses or the changing strategies of the companies in their marketing plans. Even it is plausible that a new news program in other channels attracted businessmen and enterprises for their advertisements. In order to support this argument it would be more compelling had the writer support his claim with feedback survey from customer service when canceling their contract during that specific time with the same customers. All in all, the argument was based on unsubstantiated reasons and evidently the author overlooked other possible impacting factors. The conclusion can could be acceptable had the author mentioned the other lateral factors such as other periods oftime, constant quality of news or any possible change of marketing strategy of customers which may have an impact on the final results.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:54:05 +0000
Parinaz, Curriculum.html  

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A nation should require all of its students to study the same national curriculum until they enter college. Having a fixed national curriculum for all students till college has always been a controversial debate among scholars and education experts. In addition, it is a concern for parents that theirwhose children need a flexible curriculum. I disagree to with the subject that a nation requires a unified and standard education system in which students and teachers are confined to a rigid structure. I assume that a restricted curriculum may affect the exploratory study and also binds teachers to a confined methodology which may not be practical for all students with diverse learning styles, however, it should not be disregarded that a standard curriculum to some extent is vital for any education system. First, a standard and inflexible education system may bring about erroneous assumptions in students’ mind. To elucidate it more, students may be ledlead to believe that there are finite materials and knowledge which will be taught and learned in the school and they will be similar for all student across,. Therefore, they may not attempt for exploratory learning or even make them to circumscribe themselves to what is taught at school. The Education system will be preferable has if it arouses, awakens, piques (esp. AmE), sparks rears curiosity in students. In addition, teachers may implement diverse teaching methodologies based on students’ need, context and practicality of it for students of that area. I believe the education system needs to give more freedom to teachers to apply their methodology and make them use their creativity in teaching methods as well as teaching assisting tools such as computers, learning applications. Teachers usually find the most motivating methods within their class and obtain the clues from their students. Evidently, in such a scenario a strict curriculum may not bring about creativity and new methods. Moreover, some materials need to be designed for a specific culture. It is a need for any region to have some specifically designed materials based on their culture, local language and values. For example, a local language in a province can not be taught in all other provinces due to its practicality, but it is valuable for that province . As a whole, I reiterate that the education system needs to be more flexible in order to provide more room for creativity in students and teachers and fostering exploratory learning attitude in students to learn toscrutinize more and learn that what they learn in school is not finite and it is not all the knowledge, however, curriculum in any nation needs a standard structure to be unified nationwide and make the educational results of students more comparable.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 98.02.20 Sun, 12 May 2019 10:53:39 +0000