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The mass media, including television, radio and newspapers, have great influence in shaping people`s ideas. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement? Over the last half century, diverse kinds of media have emerged, which are almost utilized by every type of organization, whether governmental or private ones. This essay agrees that mass media is without a doubt have a vast impact on every corner of the people’s life and ideas. There is a psychological belief which states that, if you want to implement varies types of concepts into individual`s mind, whether it is right or wrong, real or unreal, you must frequently show and repeatedly tell them the notion you want them to have, until they unconsciously forced by their own mind to believe and furthermore act accordingly whatto want you want them to do. One of the major sections that use this type of belief is business. Commercial companies and even individual businesses use variety of mass media such as public television, social media and radio to form a mind frame for every man, woman and even a child, to persuade them for purchasing goods and products that most the time they do not need. In spite of the fact that mass media could be utilize for deception of people, conversely it could be used for many positive actions such as awareness amid people around the world about severity of global warming which could drive them to take actions and confront these types of pitfalls as soon as possible. Another positive category which utilize mass media is personal hygiene, which boost people`s awareness about individual hygiene plus the surroundings that they are living in. To sum up, although mass media has merits and demerits and also are being used for negative or positive desires, it is definitely affecting people`s ideas and beliefs. But, are do really the advantages of this type of influencing influence outweigh the drawbacks?