Fridays Sun, 05 May 2024 19:13:22 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) Capital Punishment, Vahid  

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Without capital punishment our lives are less secure and crimes or violence increase. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? It is true that these days being in a society that where criminals and offenders find it conveinient to kill the other people can be unsecure and unsafe. while some individuals hold out this idea that there should be some strict laws such as capital punishment against killing average/ordinary/unsuspecting people, a number of human right activists and I believe that there are some conspicuious occaision where death penalty is unfair and unethical, albeit I intrinsically would like to be against of the capital punishment however much aggressive the crime is. That some individuals fervently admire the capital punishment can be soaught in several factors. Firstly, by execution of a guilty person as such, numerous innocents' life can be saved. Secondly, in societal terms of societal, the fear of death can be much more influential in reducing the amount of delinquency in the community. As it is obvious people value life rather than death and efforts for survival from death can be considerd an important issue which leads to the detrimental factor of committing crimes. The proponents of this idea do believe that especially in the case of some crimes which are unduly unexpected and negatively in the uncharted territory, the offenders should be executed. In this regard as the statistics show through death penalty, on average, five blameless people's life can be saved. For many good reasons capital punishment should be abolished. That innocents are more likely to be convicted and killed can be considered the first and foremost reason. The protection of the clear people's life should be placed more importance. This can be undeniable that this kind of punishment is irreversible. Also, the execution of prisoners creates a violent culture and leads to encouraging of revenge. The Brutal nature of the death sentence can affect youngsters negatively, particularly the kids whose minds are as tabular rasa. In addition, capital punishment is not a good deterrent, when the crime rate is not necessarily reduced. Albeit, whether or not the death penalty did reduce the crime rate, would it be acceptable? Last but not least, the human right can be addressed in this regard. This can be clear that this conspicuous right is an inalienable factor. Every individuals who faces the death penalty, whatever they stand accused of, are still human beings. However much the society is outraged by their actions and would like to revile them even if they cross the line, they are still humans and no one have has this right to kill them. Do we want to join them? In coclusion, although in some cases which are beyond the pale,the death penalty can be to some extent acceptable, from my point of view this kind of the revenge should be altered no matter how much time and capital inextensive the new methods are. vahid

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:45:47 +0000
Hosting Games, Morteza  

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Morteza Nemti Writing Task II #5-hosting games Many nations like to host international sporting events, but people are against it. Describe both views and give your own opinion. Holding a multinational game for many reasons could be tempting for most of the governments while public backlashes against what people consider to be too costly an expense sometimes have been seen. Based on the communal benefits in short or long term, which could be different from enough individuals', the authorities make the crucial decision to become on becoming a candidate to hold a tournament or not. Ardently awaiting the estimated outcome, pushed by sport lovers, and aligned by the to be benefited part of the population, men in charge impose the costs to the whole country believing that this oils the wheels of the economy, and, they hope, the industry as well. They trust they are paving the way forto having a state in which tourism, and therefore, diversity is welcomed which is a cultural progress. Yet, if society benefits from this hospitality, why should the impoverished not? Why some are to be left deprived, emptyhanded of the income of this would-be successful investment? To have the decision widely well-received which will definitely affect the quality of the hosting, allocation of a decent proportion of the expected benefit to the poor must be clearly announced. How would the respected council hold the competitions without being held by their own people? People oppose hosting a world or continental sport vying because they think it is not timely, due to some religious or superstitious beliefs, economically rational or fairly profiting all. In my country, for instance, a majority of people believe that football matches, for example, should not be held on special days which religion forbids any happiness in. Followed from the above, barely would Countries not having the support of their people to being the host be the favorite to become the host, hence the importance of achieving countrywide acceptance.

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:45:34 +0000
Learning a Foreign Language, Maziar Sojoodian  

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Some people say that the only reason for learning a foreign language is in order to travel to or work in a foreign country. Others say that these are not the only reasons why someone should learn a foreign language. These days, learning new languages is quite common among people. many believe that they learn new languages for visiting new countries or working in other countries. Others say that learning a new language is not limited to travel or working prospects only. This essay will discuss these arguments before arriving at a logical conclusion. On one hand, it is quite normal that people want to learn a foreign language only to be able to communicate with people who speak this language. One of the most important requirements to immigrate as a skilled worker is language. Employees should be capable to of negotiatinge with their colleagues and their customers for delivering tasks and presenting products. Also it is common to learn the language of the target destination for tourists. They can talk or shop better than those who do not know the local languages. Nowadays, Iranians are going to Germany for entertainment purposes more than before and are mostly of them are studying German before their journey. On the other hand, we are living in a modern and boundless world, so learning new languages is going to be a mostmust. A highly elusive/unattainable benefit of learning a language is education. These days, if people want to study overseas or they want to read what other sciences are working on like books and articles, they should have the ability to understand the language of those subjects. Also as mentioned before when an experienced person desires to work with a state of the-art device, they should know how to read its manuals. In addition, when someone is are learning a new language they will know about other countries' culture and they will understand other nations' customs. Then they will make friends from other nations. In conclusion, I strongly

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:45:16 +0000
Smoking, Fatemeh Hatami  

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There is no doubt smoking causes more than millions of deaths each year in the world .This is nearly one of in five deaths that causes diminished overall health, increased absenteeism from work, enhanced health care utilization and cost. In order to be a good member of any society the individuals must respect for citizenship rights and obey the rules of their community. Smoking brings about incurs different diseases and damages our brain and lungs and always leads to cancers of various parts of the body also brain stroke which paralyses makes para lashed our body so that many countries have already banned smoking in public places. There are several benefits to forbidding smoking in the public places, for instance smoking ban will definitely improve the quality of air we breathe. Cigarettes contains nicotine which is a cancerous substance. In addition to cancer, smoking results in several other health problems. In fact, statistics have shown tremendous rise in the occurrence of mouth cancer among people who smoke regularly .Smoking may also cause other issues like heart attack and respiratory illnesses. The biggest problem with smoking is that in order to the people around suffer from its ill effects .It is particularly harmful for young children and pregnant women. So overall, I personally believe that governments should ratify rules for banning smoking in public places. This might make cause some inconvenience to chain smokers, but ultimately this ban will benefit them as well. fatemeh

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:45:00 +0000
Sporting Events, Amir Gilani  

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Many nations like to host international sporting events, but people are against it them. Describe both views and give your own opinion. Hosting an international sport event such as World Cup or Olympic has lots of attractions for many people, while some others are of the idea that spending budgets on such affairs is just wasting of both time and money. It goes without saying that, hosting an internationally tremendous event like Olympics demands so many facilities such as hotels, stadiums, hospitals, restaurants, means of transportation and security. It is crystal clear that not only does providing such facilities consumes a huge amount of budget, but also requires so much time, and that is why officials who are in charge of execution of such events start injection of special budgets from inside and absorb foreign investment from outside in advance. However, the mentioned facilities will remain for that country, and definitely will improve the standard of living for that nation. These preparations create so many jobs, and make that country known to people around the globe. Tourists start visiting those countries even after end of that international event.(puts sth on the map) On the other hand, those who are against hosting these kinds of events reason that the budgets could instead be spent in on infrastructural projects. For example, in Brazil where the World Cup took place some years ago, people were protesting against the expenditure of government on stadiums where people did not have basic needs such as appropriate housing or clean water to drink. The ones who are against of hosting international sports events in their homeland claim that the jobs created are just temporary jobs, and they the facilities which are built will remain empty or unused after the end of those events. To make a long story short, I think hosting an international event in general demands an extremely big amount of time and money which is beyond the means of out of scope of work of developing countries. I think the more expenditure to be prepared for such events in the undeveloped countries, the more drawbacks will be expected. I believe although holding an international sport event in is something unforgettable, poor countries are highly recommended that they to spendt their limited national budget on their infrastructures.

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:44:48 +0000
Technology, Melika  

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When a country develops its technology, the traditional skills and ways of life die out. It is pointless to try and keep them alive. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion? You should write at least 250 words. There is no doubt that 'the development of technology is one of today's controversial issues', has surrounded the whole around the world and needs an in-depth argument. I certainly disagree with this opinion. In addition, I believe that there is no conflict between technology and traditional skills. In fact, the technology can cause\trigger the advancement of ways of life. Basically, we\humans have been moving on from previous ways of doing things\a lot of actions. Moreover, the history of civilization has been illustrated from discovery of fire to invention of the wheel to the advent of the internet. Although, those developments have affected humans' lives detrimentally, beneficial influences such as easier access to everything, and long distance communication have not been deniable. Further, the technology can be of help to of physical labor a human's labor in which there have been many progresses in the agriculture, constructions and industries. For instance, I, as an architect eagerly opine that the technology makes it quite faster to design with the perfect accuracy. As such, combining the use of many applications like Revit-Architecture and 3DS Max with my manual tasks leads to my interest impose on me cordially. On an in other words, art-enthusiasts who get absolutely engrossed in conventional handcrafts/handicrafts are constantly trying to preserve such traditions. Besides, there has always been a great regard for them although many people prefer the modernization. For example, it seems that the classic style are is becoming trendyed again in fashion shows and fans' number of both exterior and interior architectural design in the classic method is are increasing obviously. To conclude, not only have not the technology not created obstacles but also it has have been one of the crucial aspects for traditional skills and ensured a better life. Especially, when these two kinds of issues combine with each other in many progresses. Melika Nafar

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:44:34 +0000
Travelling, Arsalan  

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The Question Some people like to travel with a companion. Other people prefer to travel alone. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your choice (from the Official TOEFL Guide). These days tourism is more popular than ever, and everyone has their own style of travel. While there are some advantages to both traveling alone or with the companion, I believe that it is more beneficial to travel in the latter method (with companion) due to the fact that it's more economical and it would be more fun when you travel with your friends. To begin with, taking a trip with a companion is more economical than vacationing alone. The cost of the trip is very important. Because, because when you're traveling with your friends the budget will split among them. Usually, you can save your money for booking a hotel, a public transportation or even getting foods and spending your money for other entertainments such as a museum or the theater. Recently, I went to turkey with my mates. We took a tour for 5 five days in Istanbul. The lease for one bedroom is 100 dollars per day. Since we are were 3 three people, the hotel gave us 3 three rooms which each cost in which each room has a price 70 dollars per day. In addition, we had a free transportation. As such, we saved 30 dollars and spent it on an amusement park and/as well as a restaurant. Furthermore, traveling in the groups could be more fun especially, when you travel with people who like you the most. Since since not only do you know each other, but also you would like spending time together. Moreover, traveling alone could sometimes be quite be dangerous. An alone a person alone can be seen as intimidating but, if you go sightseeing seen in a pair, there could be more fun and people can trust you more easily. As an illustration, two years ago, I and my girlfriend future wife and I decided to go to South Africa. We've been there about two weeks since . Since, we took a tour with each other, people treated us warmly. The hotel leased gave us a Toyota Corolla. All of this would happen due to the fact that we traveled in a pair. In conclusion, I strongly believe that vacationing with a companion could save your money and create wonderful memories. People would treat you better and you enjoy your holiday.

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:44:21 +0000
Waste Recycling, Maziar Sojoodian  

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Waste recycling should be obligatory. Discuss both these views and give your opinion. As a matter of fact, due to life style changes we have more waste in comparison with the past. Today everyone knows how important recycling is and how much it can help the environment but many believe that not enough of waste from homes is recycled and governments have to make it a legal requirement. This essay will discuss these arguments before arriving at a logical conclusion. undeniably, education plays a key role in making to make recycling progress wide-spread better. It is believed that people should be aware of importance of recycling and how effective it could be in terms of saving resources and reducing pollution. This way they would have the will to recycle without any obligation. We, people and governments can teach children through education. Students can learn how important they are important in the recycling process with by sorting wastes in different types. On the other hand, we should not underestimate the role of the government and law in solving the recycling issue. According to what was mentioned before, many believe that governments should make recycling a legal requirement. Referring to this opinion, casts waste from homes must be controlled to see whether they are sorted or not, which is not an easy task to do. However, possibility of this idea should be considered. Eventually, every individual should be a responsible person about society and the environment by giving importance to recycling. Because if we fail to do waste processing, devastating impacts are irreversible and insurmountable not only environmentally but also economically. thanks to recycling factories and people who helped about collecting waste this industry helps a lot to the environment and economy by reusing wastes. All in all, after investigating these points of view, I strongly believe that governments should consider more about wastes materials through / by/ via using in way of education and creating awards for people who pay more attention to this and make this process easier. I expect that in the future individuals respect this subject more.

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:44:05 +0000
Work at Home, Boshra  

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Information technology enables many people to do their work outside their workplace. Do the benefit of this mobility out weight the disadvantages? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience. Technological instruments have gotten to a highly advanced level, hence most difficulties of companies and offices are solvable through computerized systems. Some people believe that these technologies are completely beneficial. However, some others assume that this way of carrying out job duties is not acceptable at all. Tackling some interruptions/problems at the workplace from remote places, employees solve company's problems regularly while they are in on their holidays. Not only does this policy of managing problems help the company to work much more effectively, but also it could be beneficial to the workforce in terms of income generation/making money. It means that if managers allocate certain sums of money to people who do their work at home, employees would be completely in agreement concurred because of earning money regardless of whether they had some house chores to do or not. On the other hand some others claim that by working at home we mixed up our personal life and job together that could have some undeniably detrimental effects on both. In addition, most individuals are following a hectic life style and have numerous tasks to do and do not have enough time to allot to job duties. They inevitably sacrifice their families and allocate their family time to their job. Last but not least is associated with how qualified is are the work that is done at home. They should work while their offspring are playing and making loud sounds, all of which that all of them are distracting and lead to doing jobs less strictly. On the whole, I, personally, disagree with working for instance at home or when we are in on a trip and I believe that we should scheduled our time and do every duty on their especial place instead of mixing up our duties.

Writing Workshop Friday 96.04.23 Fri, 14 Jul 2017 19:43:50 +0000