Fridays Fri, 03 May 2024 13:16:50 +0000 Joomla! - Open Source Content Management fa-ir (IELTSTOEFLCENTER) Amir G, Hobby  

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Some people believe that for a hobby to be enjoyable it should be hard to acquire or learn. Do you agree or disagree with this statement? While an overwhelming majority hold the idea that a delightful leisure activity can be as simple as is reading, jogging or fishing, other members of society argue that sophisticated types of activities can be more enjoyable. When it comes to this notion, I maintain that grade of satisfaction from a hobby mainly depends of individual’s personality, and it does not have anything to do with the complication or simplicity of the activity. Most people in this day and age spend a lot of their time at their workplace under a stressful condition leading them to irreparable physical and mental harms if fail to maintain a balance between their profession and personal life, hence the importance of leisure activities. Tired of hectic pace of life in modern world, advocates of complicated hobbies reason that even leisure activities should be aligned with our brain development. Gone are the days when people could enjoy themselves by simple hobbies such as collecting stamps or antiques. On the other hand, there are still so many people who believe that our hobbies do not necessarily have to develop our brain potentials. The followers of this viewpoint, in fact, maintain that not only must a career regardless of its complexity be enjoyable, but a hobby should boost one’s mood, and both a job and a hobby should not be evaluated based on their complication. Although soap carving, crocodile keeping, or shark riding might be enjoyable for many people, being involved in such hobbies do not convey that simple activities such as surfing the net or playing badminton is not a constructive leisure activity. To cut a long story short, despite the attraction the sophisticated hobbies inherently have, and the benefits they can bring about, I do not believe that the tougher the hobby, the more benefit it provides. Arguably, only when people enjoy what they do, can they be expected to hone their skills, and lighten their mood.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:29:58 +0000
Amirhossein, History  

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Studying history is a waste of time and energy. To what extent do you agree. Today, the science has many branches and each one discusses a subject. One of them is History which investigates the story of the ancients and teaches us useful tips. First of all, we can learn from the events that have been happened in the past. For instance, Ariobarzanes who is also called Ariobarzanes the Brave led a last stand of the Persian army at battle of the gate against Macedonian king Alexander in the winter of 330 B.C, But he finally was defeated because of a shepherd who showed the way to the enemy. However, a the traitor shepherd was killed by Alexander. This issue shows that we can increase our experience by reading the story of the ancestors. Furthermore, studying helps us to be familierfamiliar with the culture of different countries and khow know the origin of them, so the relationship between the nations become easier. Moreover, everybody must know the history of his or her their country which has been born in it-where they were born. However, some units about history are taught to kids. On the other hand, examining the past increases the general information which in turn brings about high self-confidence when we are commenting about the history and events that have been happened in the past. So overall, I believe that studying history has possitivepositive effects on people such as learning experience from ansectorsancestors, general information and playes plays an important role in familiarizing the nations together.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:29:46 +0000
Azam Rostami, Hungry  

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In spite of the advances made in agriculture, many people around the world still go hungry. Why is this the case? What can be done about it? Though agricultural industry has been considerably developed over the past few decades, we are witnessing of increasing hungry hunger and poverty rates more than ever before. In this essay, I would address two contributing factors in to this global problem along with some viable solutions for them. For one, the global population has soared during the last four decades, particularly in less developed countries. However, the considerable advancement in the farming sector could not be overlooked, but the fact of diminishing natural resources to feed this population should be also be taken into the account. In as a result of excessive utilization of fertile soils and water tables, the world is being threatened by food shortage. It should be mentioned that the rate of hungry hunger is by far more higher in populous countries like India. It might depict that the population rate correlates strongly with that of hungryhunger. The Exorbitant cost of food is another contributing factor in high rate of hungryhunger. The reasons behind this upsurge might be:that most of tracts of agricultural lands had have been converted to residential areas and at the same time the demand for food has been increasing. Because of this, providing a meal has become unaffordable for many social stratumstrata, such as straggling struggling working class of society. To solve overcome the first obstacle, some restrictions should be imposed by governments to control the population rate, as it had been done implemented in China for a long time. Increasing public awareness about the different ways of preventing pregnancy is also an effective way. Teaching them in secondary schools could be an effective first step. Providing free tablets and other contraceptives for low-income partners could be another way in order to keep the world population in balance. To ameliorate the latter problem, governments are responsible to offers some subsidies on production of basic food substances such as rice, wheat, vegetables and fruits. Governments also should allocate a specific budget for low-income families in terms of in the form of bonuses, for example. Also farmers should be offered by inexpensive farm land in order to reduce the cost of food production. To sum up, with existing and already limited natural resources and continuously increasing global population, advances in agricultural technology could not alleviate the problem of (starving) hungry people alone.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:29:33 +0000
Mahsa Azimi, Buying  

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Nowadays people buy a lot of things even thought they don’t really need them. Why is it happening? Is it a positive or negative trend for the individuals and the society? Nowadays , purchasing a variety of commodities in different qualification quality is becoming an inevitable part of human being’s beings’ life-style. Not only have people have become more careless about what they buy, but also sometimes they even purchase many products what they don’t need. In this essay, I will attempt to elaborate on some possible reasons for this issue together with assessing if individuals and society both are benefited or not. To begin with, there is no doubt that materialism is becoming increasingly widespread in every body’s life even though among many communities round the world so many diverse products be are brought to light with different firms which they would beis attractive for individuals. Moreover , an impressive advertising advertisement on TV or newspapers as well as the internet may be is the main ground for this trend. That is to say, this these advertisements should be a vanity project for a wide range of companies which they apply some tricky methods to convince customers to purchase their products even if these are never practical for people. Last but not least, sometimes individuals are competing with one another to prove who is richer and more successful. To put it simply, affluent people can afford to buy whatever they want in order to show off their wealth to others, whilst some destitute individuals are suffering from poverty which these behaviors would be harmful to them. Unquestionably, this trend will create a sense of well-being between among citizens and will enhance the overall economy of the country on the ground that the more people purchase a wide range of merchandise ,the more profits can be achieved by companies,. Besides, the number of job vacancies can be expanded in as a result, this approach would be benefited beneficial to both individuals and society. In addition, people opine that with by discarding obsolete materials and products, they would be more updated uptodate regardless of whether they would be useful or not.Although, the community and humans enjoy the merits of this trend, there are some detrimental effects that should be taken into account. Firstly , purchasing a lot of unwanted goods comes at a huge cost for people that which can lead them to debt and poverty. Secondly, such spending will give rise to make making waste products, prodigality as well as overindulgence. lastly, if this wasted money is oriented for improving poor people’s condition, the society will become more stable and powerful. To conclude, despite the fact that advertising and materialism attract people to buy a huge amount of products, regardless of whether they really require these commodities or not, it brings a large amount of money for companies. Some people create serious repercussions and pressure on other member of society due to their buying habit that should be taken into consideration.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:29:19 +0000
Mosadegh ,Using PC by Children Every Day  

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Using a computer every day can have more negative than positive effects on young children. Do you agree or disagree? In Modernized and technological world, the new generation especially young adults struggle with new computers, devices and computer games. Children at 5 to 10 ages are more prone to play recent digital games with their counterparts most of the time. Although these are suitable hobbies for them, they have various drawbacks too. It is a fact that modern technology such as computers, smart phones and other different game devices has have merits and demerits like a double-edged sword as a two side of a coin. Without a doubt, with the excessively growing growth of smart gadgets, every child from their early ages has one of them and spends a long time for playing. For employed parents, it is desirable news for them to know that their offspring is entertained by with some devices for a long time and they can handle their work and all the chores easily without much worry any worries about them. New research shows that playing computer games increases the level of creativity in children between 5 to 8 years. Obviously, it is a positive aspect which helps them to grasp new information quickly. On the other hand, Young children usually watch and play a cartoon or virtual games repeatedly, respectively. These acts are not harmful spontaneously, but may cause dangerous effects on their eyesight and also on their health such as gaining weight. Clearly, computer screens have injuries indurious impact on eyes as a result of destructive destroyer radiation rays. Spending more time playing games brings about lack of consideration for those who are students and have homework to do. However, as it is mentioned above this can that makes children more creative. Computer games cause children to stay away from communication with others and make them become solitary. Socializing is an extremely important matter which every individual should learn from young ages. Moreover, playing excessively violent digital games may turn them into violent person with a brutal attitude and also especially has negative influence in future society. In conclusion, it is crystal clear that immoderately daily usage of a computer is not advisable for young charges. Parents are responsible for striking balance in their children’s routines and enrolling them in to sport classes instead of buying them various CD games. It is appropriate that they had better cooperate with them in some cases that which means they can be peers for both activities as a pair in digital games to control what types of games that children are playing and as a counterpart for sport classes to encourage them.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:29:07 +0000
Mostafa Radmehr, Salary  

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When choosing a job, the salary is the most important consideration. To what extent do you agree or disagree? Some people believe that wage could play a significant role in selecting careers. Although I agree that the salary might be an integral part of our life, I suppose there are other factors which might be vital. On the one hand, the fact that getting a well-paid salary could be important is supported by compelling justification. Undoubtedly, the most obvious one could be that the high wage might be a motivational factor for workers. This would mean that they attempt to carry out their responsibilities appropriately. Moreover, receiving enough salary for employers employees would be essential. For instance, not only isare providing basic needs such as food, bills, housing, and clothes fundamental but also most of the workers especially those who are near retirement tend to save money for the future. On the other hand, there are other reasons except for salary in order to choose our jobs. It is universally accepted that getting experience could have a more critical role than salary in our life. The clear example of this is those youth young people who graduated recently who need to be involved in big projects, so it is wise that they accept to work with a low-paid salary to improve their skills. Another reason might be that a calm and friendly atmosphere in the workplace is profound effective when you choosing a job. Some people prefer to workplaces which have experienced and educated people because interacting with them might alleviate their stress and bring them a huge enjoyment. To sum up, from my point of view both enough wages and friendly workplaces could be profound significant and having a strong influence on workers in order to pick a suitable job.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:28:54 +0000
Mostafa Torabi, Buying Unnecessary Things  

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Some people get into debt by buying things they don’t need and can’t afford. What are the reasons for this behavior? What action can be taken to prevent people from having this problem? In recent years, buying unnecessary items has become a big concern which has led to wasting money. Advertisements and people’s lifestyle are two main causes for this issue. On the other hand, increasing people’s awareness and knowing how to manage a their budget can be used to can prevent such issues from happening. No one can deny the potent effect of advertisements on people’s mind. Their subliminal messages may change tastes of people toward buying expensive goods or even unnecessary things(goods). What is more, superficial observation is another important reason. To illustrate it, buying luxurious or fashionable things is a way for competing with others. Probably most of us like to have items just trying to “keep up with the joneses”. These important factors besides the ease of buying goods nowadays from online markets may lead into spending money more than it is needed in reality. To get a balance between revenue and expenditure is not impossible. To achieve this goal (to that end), one should learn how to manage his one’s budget. Knowing about financial planning or even recording your costs weekly or monthly can be useful. In addition, to raise awareness among people is another important item. Knowledge is a powerful tool against deceiving (deceptive) advertisements. On the whole, buying useless or expensive things has become a big problem (pressing challenge) in today’s societies. Advertisements and lack of financial knowledge are two main reasons for making(rendering) people vulnerable. In this situation, raising awareness besides knowing how to manage a budget (fiscal discipline) would be critical for all people to encounter with this issue.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:28:41 +0000
Nassim Nessabi, Celebrities  

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Celebrities make a very good living out of media attention and have chosen to live in the public spotlight .they have no right to complain when they feel the media are intruding on their privacy. To what extend extent do you agree or disagree Life of famous people is under the supervision of media that makes them to play as role and ca n’t not enjoy their real lives. Some believethink media’s ‘intrusion should be accepted by celebrities, but I completely disagree with this notion. Celebrity’s Celebrities’ career involves necessitates being them to be in front of the public eyes, although that doesn’t does not mean their right to privacy should be overlooked, but unfortunately they are manipulated by the media. people People are interested in the personal life of their popular celebrity celebrities and the media tries try to fulfill these desires of public to get highest higher viewership for their media channel so they need to intrudeing on in the lives of celebrities and extracting a lot of information, and fabricateing them to satisfy the public or sometimes for collecting news and taking photos put their celebrity’s celebrities’ lives at risk . After all, they will publish absolutely fake and exaggerated news about their personal lives of celebrities. Celebrities should have their emotional corner and the public should respect it them. Their career is that to entertain people with their movies, or music and after that they have personal lives just the same as others, they have secrets just like we do have. they They should decide which part of their personal lives should could be shared with their fans. Finally, I strongly believe that media should respect the privacy and dignity of the celebrities, otherwise people themselves should have the moral responsibility to ignore their exaggerated and false news to help celebrities to lead a more normal life away from have a very good living out of media intrusion.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:28:27 +0000

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Some people prefer to travel when they are young, whereas others believe traveling at an old age is better. Which do you prefer? Today, more people are traveling than ever before. While some argue that travelling at the late stages of life is more beneficial, I am of the opinion that this should happen at a young age. First, travelling can bring about experience and knowledge of which a young person can take advantage later in his life. As a young person, you need to gain knowledge and experience and travelling can be a really good source for that since it provides you with firsthand experience. Exploring the world in the search of unknowns is what many renowned scientists and great authors experienced which brought them valuable benefit. Saint Exupery can be a very good case in point as his expeditions around the world and his adventures in some intact areas led him to create his masterpiece, Little prince. Secondly, traveling often requires a great deal of energy. As being young means being more energetic, one can seize every little opportunity which presents itself during the journey. Many great tourist attractions are located in remote areas which necessitate visitors enough energy and physical power on the part of visitors. For instance, I can remember when I was a teenager once I made a trip with a number of my friends to a place called " Alamut Castle" in my country. While reaching the castle through a lot of stairs was a really easy task for us, a number of elderlies happened to find it very taxing and consequently gave up. In conclusion, despite some advantages that traveling at an old age might have, I would argue that such an experience could be more beneficial when young as it provides them with experience and calls for energy of youth.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:28:14 +0000
Work before College  

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Topic: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. Graduating from the secondary school for many of the youth is of the utmost awaited and meaningful milestone of their life. Although Taking a rest afterwards, although might entail some minor downsides, its benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Education is one of the most pivotal periods of life that nearly everyone invests their time in. Almost twelve years of uninterrupted study it would take for a juvenile to accomplish a high school diploma. That means a great deal of endeavor has been made on this journey. On that account, taking some time off from studies before commencing the next chapter is essential. Firstly, while going on a trip prior to a postsecondary school, one could carry out some research and appraise what field of study best suits them one in order to prevent inferring any ill-advised decision. Secondly, moving out of the parents’ house and starting to work for the first time would yield a profound insight into what an independent life looks like. Finally, spending about a four years’ worth of time in education in itself is an immense commitment. Therefore, young people need to choose with careful deliberation before committing to the forthcoming period of their life. A shortcoming, on the other hand, would be that the teenagers might fall behind the attitude for study that they have adopted over the years. To cite and example, being a morning person for roughly a decade is something that you might lose the ability if you stop waking up early. Another negative aspect of leaving a lapse between college and high school in order to travel is that people of this age customarily do not own adequate funds to cover the expenses incurred. Hence, they most likely end up with some debts to their parents.In conclusion, while leaving a gap between university and high school presents some pitfalls, I opine that the pros of the proposed view far outbalance the impediments involved.

]]> (Hamed ) Writing Workshop Friday 97.12.17 Fri, 08 Mar 2019 17:28:01 +0000