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Nowadays we are producing more and more rubbish. Why do you think this is happening? What can governments do to help reduce the amount of rubbish produced? The amount of rubbish that is produced has a direct relation to the population. By improving in the medical area and the industrial revolution, the world has experienced population growth that has led to more consumption and more waste production. Factories are one of the sources of generating garbage. After the industrial revolution and the establishment of various factories, the amount of air pollution and garbage has increased dramatically. Besides, the numbers of hospitals as other rubbish-producer sources increases considerably that leads to growth in hospital garbage. Producing recycled materials such as plastic, which have remained in the environment for thousands of years, can be mentioned/cited/quoted as another reason. In the past, the garbage that produced by people was natural, therefore it returned to the environment in a short time, but the new trash such as plastic is producing without any effective solution for disposal. Instead of reusing them, people use new plastic bags every day in supermarkets and grocery stores. In addition, the increasing increase in the number of restaurants and coffee shops leads to a massive waste of food. It seems that without governments’ interference, the rate of producing rubbish will not become descendingbe a downward one. Preventing the production of plastics and other similar materials, enforcing new protocols to on hospitals and factories to clean up their waste more efficiently, and encouraging people not to use plastics are the a number of measuresthe work that has to be done by governments. Moreover, investing in enhancing people awareness and humans cultures to reduce the rate of producing rubbish can be a panacea. Overall, I think reducing rubbish generating requires people and governments to help all together. Changing in people's behaviour alongside governments support with proper policies can lead to saving the universe form garbage.