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Some people believe that unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programs( for example working for a charity, improving the neighborhood or teaching sport to younger children). To what extent do you agree or disagree? That students at school play a pivotal role in future society is an undeniable fact, hence most governmental figures believe in providing them with the best curriculum. Some researchers assume that persuading forced to work in a charity center without any payment, students will work more beneficially in the future. Some others disagree with the given idea and assume that children should be free to choose their preferences. Opponents opine that if some duties such as teaching sports were incumbent upon school students, they would be much more responsible in their life. In addition, they become much more independent on of their families. This situation leads them to manage some unwanted events in their future life easily. Another notable issue is that individuals in the age of high school are not capable of scheduling their time and waste it on useless activities such as computerized games which have numerous detrimental effects on their mental mind and body. Schools' principals can manage their time through doing charity deeds. On the other hand, opponents claim that not only do students need to grow up in the a calm and peaceful environment, but also they should be provided with at least basic necessary requirements in life and parents and teachers should respect their rights. What is more, the young do not have enough physical ability to work while they are students at school ( and study simultaneously). After a while, their body may suffer from the burn out syndrome and pose some difficulties in their education. Last but not least, the more obligation in the pedagogical program, the less desire for to studying. On the whole, most members of the public, myself included, believe that students should be free to choose, and voluntary jobs/volunteering could be an available option to them.

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