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Task: Some people that sport competitions are a source of emotional stress for young people. Therefore, the youth should be banned from participating in sport competitions. Do you agree or disagree? Nowadays, many individuals faced a dilemma as to whether their children should participate in sport competitions or not. While Some argue that participating in these activities has emotionally adverse effects, I do believe that such contests have positive impacts on our youth. I am convinced that taking part in tournaments has positive effects on our young individuals' wellbeings. These days The majority of people have a sedentary lifestyle which is a threat to their health. Thus, I do believe that it is a must to encourage people, particularly young ones, to do more physical activities which in turn could reduce the health issues down the road. I claim that the best sensible method to encourage our youth to do/engage in more physical activities is participating in sport competitions in that they can win prizes for their success. In addition, I do believe that doing sport can take our children off the street. Nowadays, criminals/offenders pose a serious threats to our young individuals. What would happen if a student spent his free time in the streets? Surely he would be an easy target for delinquents. However, by being busy with sport competitions which require to allocatinge free time to do exercise, our little loved ones will be out of reach the hand of offenders. We can look at this issue from a psychological perspective, too. I would argue that we should instill confidence and discipline into our young people before they come into a cut-throat market and the sport competition is an avenue to teach these. From my point of view, a young people experiencinged a sport contests are better equipped to could easily overcome his their financial, personal and emotional issues. In conclusion, I do believe that although sport competitions could trigger emotional stress, it would not be at the level which harms our young individual. From my perspective, having sport competition experience could pave the way for young people to have a decent life in future down the road.

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