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Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills. Do you agree? These days focusing on academic issues rather than practical ones has become a common practice whether in universities or in different kinds of schools. Yet there remains some disagreement as to whether such a trend should be considered optimistically or pessimistically. While there are certainly valid arguments to the contrary, I personally believe that the consequences of this avenue could be significant to such an extent that it could be capable of to being transformed into a crisis in future. First of all, it is an indisputable fact that a huge number of graduates find it difficult to earn a decent job due to lack of the practical and empirical experiences which makes them unmarketable. Although possessing a treasure of knowledge, most of the academic individuals are not able to do even the simplest tasks due to lack of physical dexterity, hence there is no beacon of hope for to them to get a job. Iran is a particularly good example in this regard. Equally importantly, however, employers are willing to recruit skilled, elderly jobseekers due to reducing the amount of risk and cost. Despite the fact that company owners are willing to employ young, educated applicants in manual occupations, there is a disparity between their level of knowledge and the kind of work they wish to be appointed to. Admittedly, I contend to theemphasize experience and also as logic dictates, should employers utilize experienced workers, their companies are more likely to be survived in such a price war. By way of conclusion, the more skilled employees are, the more prone they are to manage their job, so if should it be students were provided for students with more practical knowledge, it would erect a utopia would be erected where while job seekers would have access to know-how and science alike.

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