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Topic: In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a year between finishing high school and starting university studies. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to do this. Graduating from the secondary school for many of the youth is of the utmost awaited and meaningful milestone of their life. Although Taking a rest afterwards, although might entail some minor downsides, its benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. Education is one of the most pivotal periods of life that nearly everyone invests their time in. Almost twelve years of uninterrupted study it would take for a juvenile to accomplish a high school diploma. That means a great deal of endeavor has been made on this journey. On that account, taking some time off from studies before commencing the next chapter is essential. Firstly, while going on a trip prior to a postsecondary school, one could carry out some research and appraise what field of study best suits them one in order to prevent inferring any ill-advised decision. Secondly, moving out of the parents’ house and starting to work for the first time would yield a profound insight into what an independent life looks like. Finally, spending about a four years’ worth of time in education in itself is an immense commitment. Therefore, young people need to choose with careful deliberation before committing to the forthcoming period of their life. A shortcoming, on the other hand, would be that the teenagers might fall behind the attitude for study that they have adopted over the years. To cite and example, being a morning person for roughly a decade is something that you might lose the ability if you stop waking up early. Another negative aspect of leaving a lapse between college and high school in order to travel is that people of this age customarily do not own adequate funds to cover the expenses incurred. Hence, they most likely end up with some debts to their parents.In conclusion, while leaving a gap between university and high school presents some pitfalls, I opine that the pros of the proposed view far outbalance the impediments involved.

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