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Some people choose to eat no meat or fish. They believe that this is not only better for their own health but also benefit the world as a whole. Discuss this view and give your own opinion. There is a general belief that being vegetarian is the best choice for human wellbeing in addition to the benefits that it has for the earth and all of its inhabitants. While I do not agree with this view, I think that this life style has some advantages. In this essay I am going to discuss the cons of this special diet and the most important reason which makes me not to recommend this diet. Nowadays we know that cows and ships sheep are the most substantial sources of methane, which is one of the influential gases effective inon global warming. Therefore, it would be very important to control and decrease the production of this gas by declining reduce/minimize/limit the use of meat. On the other hand, having a healthy life is dependent to on a healthy life style in which people should eat a lot of vegetables and fruits and beenbeans. In other words, with this kind of staple diet they would not be able to eat a lot of meat of or fish related todue to the limited capacity of the stomach. But being vegetarian or vegan is not a good choice for everyone. There are lots of vitamins and minerals in animals’ meat, like the group of B vitamins and ZinkZinc, which are crucial for anybody’s health. In addition, fishes are the best –and for some people the only- source of vitamin D3 and Omega3. It is very hard to take sufficient amounts of these micronutrients from other sources. In conclusion, even though it is very important to decrease the use of meat to save our planet, most of the people need to intake take in/consume some meat or fish weekly. HensHence, in my opinion, it is better to lower the intake of meat and fishes but not to cut them off from our diet.

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