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Nowadays international tourism is the biggest industry worldwide. Unfortunately, sometimes it creates tension between people from different cultures, instead of better understanding. Why do you think it is happening and how it can be improved? The popularity of international tourism has been increasingly growing. This is a great opportunity for people around the world to meet other nations albeit with some conflicts among them. While there are many factors which contribute to these clashes, I do believe that there are many steps that can be taken to tackle the problem. There are two major reasons for lack of understanding cultural differences. To start with, people do not have adequate information about other nations and this unawareness dissipates the acceptance of strange customs and also it causes visitors to experience culture shock during their travels, hence the importance of gathering reliable information about the destination country. For example, many tourists were surprised when entering a public bathroom in China where there is no separating wall to give them privacy. Moreover, some individuals are not than that openminded to accept new lifestyles since they stick firmly to their traditions and refuse to accept and respect others. This attitude would cause unfriendly behaviour toward tourists. Some measures could be taken to increase mutual understanding. Firstly, respecting others despite differences is an idea which should be fostered from childhood and it requires practicing. It is incumbent upon the educating system and parents to teach children the ability to accept/tolerate strange/diverse customs. Secondly, governments should play their part by enhancing people's knowledge about other nations and teach locals how to interact with tourists and foreigners. Introducing laws for protecting minorities guests from racial discrimination and insults can be useful since these laws act as a deterrent and can prevent conflicts. Finally, individuals can broaden their horizons of mind by collecting data about other nations and cultures through books ranging from novels to travelogues or movies. Many an artist around the world tries to introduce their countries and culture to others by making movies and documentaries. The more people know about others the less they feel disoriented among foreigners. In conclusion, differences cause conflicts among people and the lack of mutual understanding would aggravate the situation. The ability to accept others and havehaving valuable information about them is of paramount significance to remedy the problem.

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