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Some people say that in all levels of education, from primary schools to universities, too much time is spent on learning facts and not enough on learning practical skills. Do you agree or disagree? In the modern era, education plays a major role in every individual’s life. The controversial question which arises here is whether the focus of curriculums should be on practical skills or on learning facts. As far as I am concerned, studying facts and rules and memorizing them will be of no use in any kind of occupation. Therefore, I firmly believe that not only should educational institutions cover the academic subjects but also they have to prepare the means of employing theories in life. The following paragraphs will illustrate my perspective. The first aspect to point out is that learning facts from a textbook will not guaranty that one can use it in the right place and right time because they may be forgotten soon after memorizing them. Accordingly, receptive information should turn into productive knowledge by practicing right after learning, researching and analyzing. Take a personal experience as an example., back in university, I had gained a top score on tunnel engineering course and a couple of years later I was assigned to design the main subway tunnel of our city in my company. I couldn’t remember a word! I mastered the course again for that project and despite passing years from then, I can still remember the whole procedure and even the details. Another noteworthy point to mention is that there are a wide variety of jobs that should be learned by experiencing and using hands. As an example, for a career in plumbing, a vocational course is absolutely essential. Hence, children in schools should be susceptible exposed to different kinds of academic and vocational courses so they will best recognize their passion and goal for the future. On the other hand, in higher studies, on-the-job trainings and internships should be included in all majors. To sum up, enough time and energy should be allocated on to practicing and using skills in graduate and undergraduate studies. It is highly recommended that politicians and authorities pay special attention to educational programs because it is the main path to the prosperity od of a country.

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