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In many places, new homes are needed, but the only space available for building them is in the countryside. Some people believe it is more important to protect the countryside and not build new homes there. What is your opinion about this? In this rapidly changing world, that the population is increasing rapidly is indisputable, while a new issue that is has arisen and itwhich is accommodation of this large crowd that/those population. However, we have a limitation in providing that provide new buildings in the countryside, because some critics opine that it is incumbent on us to protect there for our future generation. By 2020, the population of the world will have reached reaches to seven billion, and whereas their needs are simultaneously increasing and without doubt, one of them is a place for living. In spite of the need its requires to for home, the only space for their living them is the country. Not only is it costlyrunning costs, but also it is a poorly facilitated equipped place. On the other hand, population density in metropolisestans leads people to settle on in the suburb with even basic amenities. Despite disadvantages of living in such places that I mentioned them before, people's main criticism of settlers who live in the countryside is related to the environment. In other words, they believe people gradually deplete the natural resources and all the leave behind is pollution replace various kinds of pollutions with natural resources. For instance, people are obliged to cut down the trees or destroy forests to flatten the land to build their houses and itwhich leads to soil erosion, slowly. Other than that, it is up to us to make our every effort to optimize the use of available resources for our next generations. In a nutshell, we need to take proper measures to prevent some unintended consequences of population settlements in big cities. Not only do we prevent social ills, but also we pave the wat way for protecting our environments.

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