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In many countries today insufficient respect is shown to older people. What do you think may be the reasons for this? What problems might cause in society? It is true that in many parts of the world older people have not beenare not being treated with enough respect which they deserve. There are a variety of reasons for this, and it definitely leads to many difficulties in our society. In my opinion, two main factors are to blame for this lack of courtesy toward older people. Firstly, the economic situation of families has largely changed in recent years. Nowadays working full-time as breadwinners, parents do not have enough time to spend with their children, so when children they grow up, they maywould feel less dependent on and bonded with their parents. As a result, they might feel neither necessary nor obliged to pay sufficient respect toward their parents. They usually feel the same for other senior members of the society as this attitude are is unconsciously cemented into their conscious. Secondly, old people’s mentality are is usually outdated. Raised in a different era, older people do not share the same beliefs and values with the younger members of society, which might give rise to potential conflicts and disrespect between them. These problems breed numerous problems in our society. For starters, instead of being with their family, many older people might choose to spend their retirement years in nursing homes or retirement communities where they minimize their communication with younger members of society. These places ordinarily cost way more than staying with the family, and put a huge financial burden on both families and governments. Also, should older people stay in isolated places, their experience will not be transferred to our children. Children, consequently, will not enjoy acquiring first-hand life-time experiences such as history, anecdotes, and even recipes from old times. In conclusion, society will continue to encounter a variety of problems unless governments and people start to find solutions for them.

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