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Saeedeh,Host Country My writing.3 Some people believe that visitors to other countries should follow local customs and behaviour. Other disagree and think that host country should welcome cultural differences. Obviously, as life has improved day by day, majority of people tend to travel more frequentely now than in the past. It is argued that visitors to another countries should accept the host country’s traditions and behaviour. However, there is an opposite idea saying that the host country should welcome cultural differences. The focal point of humanity should be moral values which are common in all regions rahter than customs and behaviour that are diverse in different areas. Clearly, if the host country cannot adopt visitors’ culture than its participation with another countries in economic, financial and other activities, will be hampered. In my opinion, it is ethical responsibility of visitors to respect important beliefs and customs of their host country, but some individuals believe that it is really hard for travelers to follow the local culture because it is compeletely different and they may not able to adapt to it. On the other hand, if the host country welcomes travelers’ behaviour and traditions despite all differences, they will feel comfortable. Besides, it will be very beneficial for the local people to experence a new culture in their home country. Consequently, the host country should greet varied customs. To sum up, I suppose that while traveling to another country, people should try to follow the local culture and behaviour to have a more enjoyable trip. On the contrary, the host country should respect guest people’s beliefs.

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