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In some countries, the quality of life in large cities is declining. Why do you think this is happening? What measure can be taken to stop it? Much has been discussed about the problems associated with living in cities large in size. I believe these issues are mainly caused by an ever-increasing traffic jams along with a sense of rivalry among citizens for earning more money. Some solutions, however, can be implemented to overcome the situation. Megacities are, more or less, notorious for heavy traffic, which is a source of stress for the people. That is because when individuals stay in traffic inside a car for a long period, they become furious and this probably leads to an increased level of stress in the body. Stress is, of course, a factor in defining the quality life: the more stress we go through, the less we enjoy life. Having said that, some remedial actions could be taken by those in charge. For instance, the government could invest more in public transport to reduce the load on the roads within cities. Therefore, people will have a better experience while commuting around, leading to an improved quality of life. Another factor at play is the fact that people in metropolitans tend to compete with one another over a higher income. This very issue severely damages the mentality of citizens, resulting in problems such as anxiety and hopelessness. It is quite common to witness a person seeing his friend buying a brand new car which has made him thinking of doing the same, simply because he is assuming that he is financially behind that friend. The pressure that this person is experiencing is really high and he might end up in an unwanted situation. However, authorities or NGOs could organize some classes in order to teach people the true meaning of life. If citizens join the classes, they soon realize that money is not the main contributing factor to having a content life, thereby reducing the greed for money. Although large cities are suffering from a decline in terms of the quality of life, there are actions that could be taken to stop the problem. Investment in the public transportation infrastructure to lessen the traffic, and holding classes to teach people to be less wary of money, are some promising measures in this regard.

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