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Some people claim that not enough of the waste from homes is recycled. They say that the only way to increase recycling is for governments to make it a legal requirement.
 To what extent do you think laws are needed to make people recycle more of their waste? We live in consumer societies where people buy a lot of merchandise such as clothes, decoration and packed food, and consequently an enormous amount of litter are is produced at homes. Environmentally- friendly ways to dispose of waste should be taken by the government and one of the most effective ways is to make the recycling a priority for householdsers. By making home recycling a mandatory, people will be forced to obey the law and separate their household garbage into different bins. These such legislations could act as a deterrent and there could be a punishment for individuals who fail to adhere to this law ranging from fines to community service. The experience of other countries proves that by introducing laws, recycling will become a habit but aiming reaching this goal is so extremely energy consuming since there should be special monitors to supervise the wastes disposal from houses. Making people recycle with legal obligation could not be much effective if people do not believe in the necessity of recycling wholeheartedly. Firstly, the government should promote social knowledge about environmental conservation. One of the best steps to start is teaching children from the school and informing homeowners about the environmentally impact of household waste. Secondly, the state should adopt some encouragement policies to motivate people to recycle such as tax incentives. The money which is intended to supervise people lest they breakfrom breaking the law of recycling can act as a motivation. Finally, the recycling facilities could be improved, so that waste is processed more effectively regardless of whether or not people separate it correctly at home. In conclusion, although by introducing laws the government will be able to force people to recycle, there are many other measures that could be taken to solve the problem of household waste. 290 words

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