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The percentage of overweight children in western society has increased by almost 20% in the last ten years. Discuss the causes and effects of this disturbing trend. Obesity is becoming a big concern for children’s health in developed countries in these years. The proportion of obesity in the next generation in western communities has surged 20% in the last decade. This essay will discuss about how diet and activities activity educate education could have impact on obesity and why more children in the past decade have became become obese in western countries. Diet should be taken into consideration, . Children’s diet could be one of the reasons of obesity. eating habits should be controlled by parents .a considerable increase in consumption of eating junk food every year, could have an effect on children’s health, . schools should participate to in teaching eating healthy healthily to children. Activities also could provide solution for obesity, it’s it is better for kids to spend their time by playing and practicing in outdoors. in other words, doing more activities helps losing weight, . parents should participate in these physical activities with children, . these things could have a positive impact on their weight loss. Genetics in some cases is the reason of obesity, . in these cases obese persons should have a diet and plan for physical activities. obesity can increase the chance of having disorders like high blood pressure or diabetes. therefore, obese people need to check their symptoms more than others in their life. In the final analysis, obesity movement in teenagers in Europe and America is a worrying concern for these communities, educate education and also diet cloud be the sources of increasing controlling overweight in society, however, .

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