جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید. Behrad Khalaf IETLS Class (Sunday‐Tuesday) August 22 2015 Individuals can do nothing to change society. Any new developments can only be brought about by governments and large institutions. How far do you agree or disagree? Whether it is the individuals or the government that can take steps to reform the society is a controversial issue which requires thorough analysis from different aspects. Every member of the society shall accept their responsibility towards the whole. By the same token, we are unwantedly inviting the whole humanity to follow us by our actions. Improving the society means making the world a better place. It is not always about huge steps;, it can be a mere morning greeting with a sad neighbor. It has become a common practice to hold the government responsible for whatever evil we have to deal with. It is the easiest way to deflect the guilt, not at all fair though. Take the environmental crisis for an example. It is as much manmade as a result of weather changes and drought, and nobody can deny the governmental mismanagement that has compounded the situation. However, if each person collects one piece of trash on a daily basis, the results will be eyeopening. We can start this from ourselves and incredibly others will join us because we all always love the Mother Nature deep inside. Large institutions can undeniably institutionalize, promote and facilitate the changes they want. They can launch campaigns and take measures to implement their intentions in the society. To exemplify, governmental bodies can levy taxes on fossil fuels to decrease the green‐house gasses and reduce the pollution, or they can impose fines on excessive waste production. To sum up, changing the society is only possible when even the smallest members are bound to the purpose. Policy makers can help accelerate a certain amendment, but it is the populace who should take up the change and consider it. We should be the change we want to see in the world |