جهت مشاهده Writing تصحیح شده فایل PDF را دانلود نمایید. In some countries it is thought advisable that children begin formal education at four years old, while in others they do not have to start school until they are seven or eight.How far do you agree with either of these views? One of the negotiable issues that is posed in the educational field is the starting age or formal education. Some experts believe that children should be taught formally at 7 or even older, while others discuss that most of children could start planned learning when they are at age 4, because their mind is are recipient enough to grasp (get and understand) basic learnings. Some researchers and psychologists who have studied about children and their abilities in recent decades, have come to the conclusion that children could memorize, learn and be more creative in the early ages, so use of use their talent in on the right ways might be the best way to improve their brain abilities that is leads them to success in near future. alternatively, Most most children prefer to play or have fun and spend a large amount their time with their peers. This kind of program would be just time consuming activities that have has no result except wasting children's times hence, their abilities should be taken into account in formal education for better results. instead, some teachers and educational counselors believe that not only do not entertaining and playing not waste children's time, but also they boost their physical and mental abilities. When children are playing with their counterparts, there they should use both physical power and intelligence simultaneously simultanousely to compete with them. In other words, Learning and improving the abilities of brain is not constrained to either formal education or learning with defined and planned programs consequently, free learning could improve their creativity and make them think widely and in addition, it could provide children with efficient learning in future at school. It can be concluded that , some believe that children should be taught at early ages in order to not wasteing their time and apply their times and abilities in the defined and planned ways, while others believe children should have free programs at the age of 5 or earlier to gain social abilities and improve their physical and mental power that leads to better learning at age 7 or older. I do believe, it might be better for children at age 4 and earlier to have elective choosable programs which could lead to glorifying their talents that could be more helpful for a successful life. |