New York Times journalist Michael Finkel (Jonah Hill) loses his job when it's revealed that he was not entirely truthful in a cover story he wrote on contemporary slave trading in Africa. His world collapses even further when he learns he's a victim of identity theft; a man named Christian Longo (James Franco) assumed Finkel's name and stood accused of murdering his own family. Seeing a way to rebuild his shattered reputation, Finkel meets with Longo to hear his story.1‐I have a hunch that... have a hunch about Sth=to have an idea about what did, will, or should happen; to have a feeling that something will or should happen. 2‐The cops clearly felt they had enough to bring him in = summon him and interrogate him 3‐This turned out to the end of the line for them = they cannot escape their destiny 4‐I don't recall us ever meeting = remember 5‐At the very same time that you were using my name, they stripped me of it. They stole my identity so now I am nobody a 6‐I'm just another... Pariah. Pariah= outsider 7‐I need the story to be ahead of the game = 8‐The children came like a flock of starlings = in large numbers and suddenly Starling is a kind of bird 9‐These were the boom years in America Boom year= a period of high economic growth characterized by rising wages, profits, and prices, full employment, and high levels of investment, trade, and other economic activity 10‐It's part true crime, but it's part mea culpa mea culpa = my fault 11‐It will eat away at you eat away at=destroy gradually, erode; worry one constantly Ex: The fact that he failed the test is eating away at him. 12‐ This was a violent and frenzied act. A ferocious attack. frenzied activity is fast and uncontrolled, usually because it is done by someone feeling very anxious or excited ferocious attack = violent, dangerous, and frightening attack 13‐I intended to put it all out into the open (out) into the open =available for everyone to see or experience, Ex: You need to bring the evidence out into the open. 14‐None of the stories hold water because they're all f... Lies Not hold water= not able to be proved; not correct or true. 15‐I just came back to make sure they didn't sub the shit out of me again.= they will kill me, or hurt me 16‐Can someone help me scoop up all this money scoop up [scoop sth⇔up] phr v if a lot of people scoop something up, they buy it quickly so that soon there is none left 17‐You hire people like me to get on the ground and hunt. 18‐ We made a pact that we would never lie to each other. Pact= formal agreement 19‐ The outlines are clear, but they fade at the edges leaving blurs and smudges. 20‐Then why'd flee? Flee = escape a place 21‐you have such a mastery of words 22‐ I got so wrapped up in trying to tell a great story that I completely lost my obligation to the truth. = much too focused 23‐ My whole reputation's on the line, or what's left of it anyway. On the line= in danger/at risk 24‐Let me spell this out for you = explain it very clearly 25‐If he can sow enough doubt to force a mistrial, he's won. Sow sth = to do something that will cause a bad situation in the future sow doubt/confusion/dissatisfaction 26‐Is it because you don't want to share your scoop? Interesting story 27‐Dozens of facial capillaries burst as she struggled for air. مو |