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Critical Survey and a Glance of Existential on "Life‐Story" by John Barth John Barth's life‐story is a fiction of the post modernist period which provides the readers with the depiction of existentialismt. John Barth's life‐story is talking about how a writer is creating his works. On the other hand, it is discussing the novel creation itself. Actually, this writer's writing refers to development of the novel itself. This paper offers a small little opportunity to highlight how John Barth's life‐story offers a critical assessment of existentialismt by applying sartre's book "being Benig and nothingness."According to the sSartre who that believes in the essential freedom of individuals and also believes that as a beings people are themselves responsible for all elements of themselves and this freedom sometimes leads to absurdity. Sartre explains that as a conscious being, the for‐itself school recognizes what it is not: it is not a being in itself. Through the awareness of what it is not, the for‐ itself becomes what it is: a nothingness, wholly free in the world, with a blank canvas on which to create its being. Based on this view, in Barth's life‐story, the narrator intrudes himself between the reader and the work of art, writing about the writing process itself. It is not verisimilitude but the very artificiality ly of fiction that Barth wishes to convey. Professor Wildman has remarked that, "Existentialism can be thought of as the twentieth century analogue of nineteenth century Romanticism ." kKierkegard, he has been called the father of existentialism. Existentialism is typically focused on individual, human lives, suffering , and choice for individual. In existentialism always anxiety and freedom are together. Anxiety is defined as the result of a response to anything that threatens the freedom, Bbut paradoxically freedom is deliberately leads to choosing his anxiety. From what has been discussed above, when Barth reviewed his long introduction, he said to himself, what a dreadful dready way to beginan a story, it shows the importance important of choice that he had , and with this choice he reached to anxiety. This choice and anxiety are themes that list by existentialism. Moreover, life‐story represents a story within story structure. In this story the narrator imagine that his life is a story and he himself is an imaginary character in the story. Hence, this leading question that how an individual is important: the importancet of individualism is another theme of Existentialism. in addition,. had he written for his reader's sake? there is a suspense. This question reminds us of another theme of Existentialism "the importancet of personal relation." "Concluding these reflection he conclude these reflection: that there was at this advanced page still apparently no ground‐situation suggested that his story was dramatically meaningless" (life‐story 6). At a the result, the narrator decided to tell his tale from start to finish in a conservative, realistic, unselfconscious way. The unconsciousness of the narrator not only makes his narrative unreliable, but also sheds doubts on the authenticity ally of one's own awareness.

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