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It is generally believe that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sports person or musicians. In this modern life, humans have tried to realize their the source of their aptitude. Some says people have been born with specific abilitiesy and genius. On the other hand, others assert that everybody is able to attain a particular skill when they are in the initial step of their life. There are groups of people who believe humans have genetic differences and they have inherited them from their forbears. These genes render them available to have special talent. For instance, when we mention a successful musician surely we can find another a successful musician or artist in one of her/his ancestors. Not only is talent hereditary, but also unique and just a minority of people can own a particular gift. In contrast, some people folks are of the opinion that people would have any talents and skills if they were taught when they are young child. According to a research carried out by Dr. Hamidian, an anthologist from University of Tehran, children at the in age of between three and six have tremendous ability of learning, so parents can impart any knowledge to their pupils. As an example, Dr. Samee one of the greatest scientists in the world has asserted that in their family there is no doctor or scientist and he is thankful for being taught by parents in his childhood childish period. In my opinion believing talent is heritable deters people from improving their skills and knowledge. Humans' brain is a miracle and it can (perform miracles)(do remarkable feats) do unbelievable things. Acquiring wisdom from initial ages is hundred percent right but I feel sure that we can gain any ability in anytime of our life although it is very difficult.

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