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It's generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for music and sport, and others are not. However it's sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become good sports person or musician. Discuss the two ideas giving your opinion. Some argue that there is are an inner/interior power for learning in a number of individuals which is not accessible for everyone, namely genuine talent. In stark contrast, another group of experts point out that it is just an urban myth that gifted people are more prone to be successful in comparison to their ordinary counterparts. To begin with, the former group cites that not only can we divided citizens into separated bodies with different levels of mental abilities, but also we can draw a direct correlation between that and playing a useful role in the society. They firmly believe that the stronger you are more you physically and mentally be strong, the further you can go in the way of fortune. That is to say with more people who have higher IQ scores or are in good shape, a society may improve in at a faster rate/pace. For instance, reaching an ethnically pure nation, many German scientists in the past century had attempted to create a genetic pattern in young couples which in turn could be conducive to a controlled generation with vast abilities. Having said that, however, the latter group, which is mainly consists of contains sociologists, claims that each person is a product by his or her society, environment as well as family rather than his or her personal characteristics and physical traits. In other words, children who are born and raised rise in a high social class family are considerably different from those in low level ones. To make an example, we can see that a major proportion of pupils who live and study in in better neighborhoods are more likely to enter high ranking universities. In a nutshell, were I to choose between these two attitudes, I would go for a combination between them which regards aptitude and efficient nurture well‐growing as the most important factors equally.

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