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In recent years some countries have experienced very rapid economic development. This has resulted in much higher standards of living in urban areas but not in the countryside. This situation may bring some problems for the country as a whole. What are these problems? How might they be reduced? Some people believe that always economic development is an outstanding point for each country .Not only does it provide standard requirements , but also improves of the level of living. In the same way, lots of countries have economic problems but it was not related to lack luck of budgets or many limitations .Sometimes economic growth creates troubles .In recent years governmental headquarters have experienced economic development in urban areas but not in the countryside . under this circumstance ,some problems happen .I would like to discuss them it in more depth. Basically, when economic gains appears in urban areas every facilityies , resources ,factoryies and offices is transferred to these this parts gradually steadily. The first problem will be clear;, "increasing populations". So public has been keen to stay and live in urban areas, and then heavy traffic will annoy people who are were waiting behind of the red light for a long time. Another difficulty hardship action that is felt is was pollution. Air pollution comes about came around and accompaniesy us .Also, the environment falls into a dangerous situation. Moreover, some diseases for instance Asthma , and tuberculosis have developed created because of this changing. Apart from that ,the level of income and product 's prices has have not been balanced. people who earn a low income money decided to move to the countryside where /in which goods or house rents of houses are in a better situation. After all, unfortunately the area will be divided into two 2 groups. One of the most effective problems is Cclass differences. Not only does it have has it lots of disadvantages for on public behavior public, but also decreases measures of economic developments In conclusion, when the countries want to develop their economy, they must consider all the problems that might be happened in both major cities and the countryside. The government offers poor services to the countryside and not only does it not provide decent facilities for them but also deprives them of several public facilities.

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