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Today many celebrities are famous only because of their wealth and glamour. Some people believe they can set a bad example for young people. Do you agree or disagree? Give your opinion and examples. Nowadays by technologicaly improvements /(developments) which result in disappearing of human relationships obstacles, people more than ever are being close together and the men's man's lifelong ambition, so called being famous, is accessible more than anyone could/(can) ever imagine. Human's life is magnified and analyzed and displayed to his peers more than ever as though he played a role on a stage in front of others and they watched him nonstop and without any privacy. In this media hype there are well-known persons who are sort of a leader for their fans. Since making decisions and thinking about future are really tough, people have a tendency to being led and guided through their lives' ups and downs. Not only is are seeking for an advisor is tempting for the humankind kind during his longevity but filling the noted ones' shoes is what our kind's' distinguished behaviour over the time, and that is where some of us are getting confused. Knowing that there is a dark side on everyone's ones' lives, people should reconsider their chosen paths. Although almost all the famous ones were getting sufferedsuffering in their earliesys, (which is) known by few ones, the devotees are in a denial phase and looking only to the half full glass of their advocateds'. Ignoring the painful past of whom those whom they admire , they are delighted by seeing only the bright part of their lives. Contrary to what we might want to believe and expect(contrary to expectations) being affluent and famous do does not happen overnight as if Rome was not built in a day. However, we, the human beings, escape from the truth especially when it is sore and intolerable. The less you are experienced, the more you can be deceived by the noted ones lives' splendors and that's where being young matters. The youths cannot control their temptation on experiencing such a wealthy life as soon and simple as possible though they might(may) know that there are always troubles in prosperous lives too. They should be advised that ache is an ache as of it even in silver-spoon families. It should be stressed to them that there is a quite a way to be rich and it takes a great deal of patience and hard work. Unfortunately, to be inundated drowning in by the lure glamorous of lives in advertisements, the youth are is distracted from his attention to his their future. It is worth to reminiscing e about the masterpiece, Pinocchio, here, since as to be the more precise on this novel, the more you can be cautious about your life. He, the Pinocchio, was deceived by the splendors in the amusement park that's the story of some of us.Simply put it, the youths must be told the full story of the known ones' lives without any shortcomings. They get to know that the life tides to its problems and there is no perfect world. It needs to show them the behind of the splendid scene without ruining the heroes of their lives.

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