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It may be a whole new world to our ancestors who would have found this perhaps as unbelievable and uncanny as their wildest dream that women would be some day real rivals for men in the work world. As the long-lasting balance between men and women has shifted in the work area, so should the roles man and women play in performing household tasks. First, given the fact that women now truly work as the rival of men, it would be extremely unfair to expect them to play their previous roles anymore. The public perception that women are were responsible for doing chores around the house was so extremely rampant when they had no other responsibilities outside as co-supporter of the family and were determined to find that satisfying. However, this pattern has changed in recent decades as women have tried to win their independence and propose a redefinition of their function as the members of society. Secondly, women can be more productive at work when household chores are equally distributed between them and their male counterparts. As now a large variety of critical, high-ranking jobs are held and run by women, lending a hand by the other gender could help women boost their productivity and performance at work. A female doctor, for instance, could be a textbook example of women who carry out critical tasks. Overwhelmed, exhausted and frustrated by attempting to prove themselves as heroes in both battlefields, she can lose concentration while operating a surgery which can put her patients' lives in danger. In conclusion, embracing the transformation of the business world, men should cease to regard women as second-rate citizens and start to get more involved in house-related duties.

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