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For the successful development of a country, it is more important for a government to spend money on the education of very young children (5-10 years old) than to spend money on universities. It is a controversial discussion whether officials ought to invest in the juveniles' education in universities or statesmen must concentrate more on the children's rearing. Some individuals firmly deem that as higher education is significantly more prominent than primary school, undoubtedly we should support our university with a huge amount of money. Nevertheless, I vigorously opine that assigning the government's budget to children's education is more logical because of two reasons. At the beginning of this, I profoundly believe that young children are one of the paramount elements which discern shape the future of society. These kids are milestones which who construct the staples of the vibrant community. Rearing them can bring about an astonishing infrastructure in the country. Furthermore, fostering them is more readily convenient than juveniles in the universities. Therefore, If we appropriately cultivate them, gradually we will observe the fruit of their impressive function. For instance, some countries have begun commenced to in to factor in the earlyinfancy period of education as a crucial time which the fate of the country undeniably depends on it. Even in terms of ethics they witnessed a better result. Some years later, clerical corruption declined dramatically, and the economic system abruptly thrived. Secondly, I firmly feel that children are more vulnerable than youngsters. They are more tender and they are not self-oriented as pupils are. We can briefly illustrate it with a genuine example. We can speculate that when universities do not provide a solid program for the students, they will find it somewhere else including various courses on the Internet or practical workshops. On the other hand, children do not have not the capacity to probe for a new kind of source which is edifying/enlightening/constructiveinstructing. In conclusion, we can say that although the universities are extremely noticeable important in the educational system, the children remarkably deserve a more considerable investment/amount of money than other students. I strongly hope that someday no all the governments ignores do not omit the education of children and rather pays full attention to them.

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