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It is generally believed that some people are born with certain talents, for instance for sport or music, and others are not. However, it is sometimes claimed that any child can be taught to become a good sport person or musician Discuss both these views and give your own opinion. It is generally acknowledged that giftedness is an irrefutable intrinsic feature which is genetically transfertransferred to some infants. It by no meansit does not mean that it is the only requirement for becoming successful in the a particular field. I wholeheartedly am of the opinion that other measures could compensate the lake lack of intelligence. Simply if we take a glance at well-known musicians or sport champion’s champions’ biography, there is a common statement among them: we owe our prosperity to severe endeavor and perseverance. We all know one or more examples among our acquaintances who can play a musical instrument professionally which has been acquired through permanent learning practicing and continuous practicing. I opine modern teaching approaches has have abolished the conventional attitude toward children’s capability by encouraging and motivating them to pursuing pursue their interests. With innovation of the Internet and technology, virtually all ordinary people can become a professional in a field in which they have passion and adequate efforts. The novel teaching approach believes that dedication and persistency persistence are excellent replacements for lack of talent in one. Though some claim that talent exists in some children, it actually would act as a short cut toward the final goal, not more. Even giftedness won’t be effective if a certain amount of practices is not putted, I believe. I suppose it is narrow way of thinking if we claim all sport and music stars are gifted. Undoubtedly the family, the environment, and financial situation in which a child grows up are considerably contributing factors to become becoming a good sport person or musician, either an intelligence intelligent child or ordinary one. To conclude, the digital age has provided ordinary children with numerous amenities which are quite adequate to obtain the position which a gifted individual can have.

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