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Getting enough sleep has been important discussion all around the world. Although, there are different sorts of articles about this issues to suggest that the teenagers should sleep nine hours during at night, in other thathowever, adults and children need to fall asleep seven to eight hours at night, providedwhereas, infants might sleep 16 hours. However, individual differences and cultures may have extremely influence to on the sleep's sleeping habits. For instance, some people have to work at night or another ones must study hard until midnight, therefore, they have not enough sleep. Consequently, they are going to confront suffer sleep debt. Albeit, it has been affecting in our life, for illustration, it can descent decrease the ability of people for to doing something or having significant decision. In the most of the time, teenagers do not have enough sleep, so they may encounter sleep deprivation that itwhich has a long term negative effects for them, for example, they cannot have serious focus on different branches/areas of their life, such as their studies or communications. They might compensate their shortage of sleep. Even if somebody sleeps much more times, it would havehas disadvantages. Such as, high blood pressure or heart attacks. In conclusion, people should pay attention to the benefits of having good and enough sleep, because of, it can help them to have a healthy and useful life. Furthermore, some people drink coffee or soft coffin drinking, because, they help them to awake. Experts and doctors do not confirm this way; they believe that these kinds of drinking have been harmful on to human health. If they feel sleepyfell asleep, they should only go to bed early at night.

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