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Using animals to test the safety of cosmetics or drugs used for medical reasons is never acceptable. To what extent do you agree with this statement? Before any new product is put on the market whether it is a cosmetic product or potentially life saving medicine. Producers will want to make sure that they are safety for humans to use, . therefore, they test them on animals. Many people feel that this it is unacceptable to using use animals to test because it can show that animals’ life is less valuable than humans’ life. However, opponents of animal testing point out that animals involved often suffer a great pain and fear that they argue we do not have any right to do this with them for our benefits. On the other hand, it cannot be denied that animal testing has helped scientists in great discovers of different fields of medicines, they come at the cost of animals’ life, for examples, drugs against cancer, heart disease and fatal illnesses. I would agree that there may be animal testing to create new medicines, but, I would prefer to using use tests in at a minimum. Albeithowever, supporters of animals claim that there are variety various ways for of producing and testing medicines and cosmetics products that animals are never involved in at all such as, cell cultures. In conclusion, I believe that the emphasis has gone from ethics to materialism. Since, animals testing is an unacceptable way but it should be kept only for necessary scientific works.

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