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Trees are essential for the existence of the human race as they provide the oxygen that we need to survive. Yet, daily all around the globe, large areas of woodland are being destroyed. Many people feel that they as individuals can do nothing and that only governments and large companies can halt the destruction. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this? It does not matter if you are in Europe, America, Asia or Africa. We are all observing the ever-increasing destruction of woods worldwide. There are some who believe that only governments and huge companies are responsible to hinder this incident, but on the other hand, there are also some who think that men have roles to play too. I am personally of the same opinion as the second group of people and further I have explained why. Firstly, the world’s population is encountering an increasing growth from day to day and that is why the demand for food is rising. Although jungles play a key role for in not only providing us with oxygen but also air-conditioning, Governments and super companies are meeting this demand and providing the land needed for agricultural purposes by wiping woods. Also, deforestation is a threat for not only humans but also wild animals since they lose their habitat. Fortunately, Today, many approaches have been suggested to at least reduce the speed of deforestation. For instance, scientists have introduced plant meat which can lower the space needed for animal husbandry. The success of this plan heavily relies on the amount of individuals’ support. It means that people should force the governments to put pressure on big companies to mass produce plant meat instead of the actual/regular meat. People should do so by any means, for example, they can cut off their meat intake and consume the other protein alternatives. Moreover, people can run campaigns to plant greenery, inform youngsters about the value of trees. Also, local people can set up patrols to preserve the environment especially woods from those who set trees on fire. To sum it up, to constraint the jungle’s jungles’ destruction, there has to be a partnership between individuals, governments and huge companies.

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